
A Woman’s Temptation

My best friend is in town, so today, I spent the day with her unexpectedly (unexpectedly, because she’s staying all next week with me and I thought she had other plans till then) and didn’t have time to do ANYTHING online.

So we went to wander around a few antique stores. While we were there, I tried on the hat that I love but don’t want to pay $20 for:

I played an antique piano and was applauded by one of the people who works at the store, one of the ladies said she always looks forward to seeing what I wear when I come in, and IΒ bought a beautiful Β new book to add to my collection, called A Woman’s TemptationΒ (I admit, I only bought it because it’s pretty and the chapter titles amused me):

I’ll get a better picture of it later for you. Oh, and this book smells really good. (Yes, I smell book pages. Don’t you?) It smells Β a bit like perfume, and a lot like just… old. You know. (My brain doesn’t want to think any more. Sorry.)

We then went to eat Chinese food:

(It was a buffet. New favorite place to eat!)

And got fifty-cent rub-on dragon tattoos (didn’t take a picture of those, but I have this compulsion to get a rub-on tattoo whenever there are machines for them)

And then we went to Bible study.

It was a good day.

If I’d finished that one serious blog, I could have just posted that. As it is, you get this one instead. πŸ™‚


Outfit details: Dress, $2; Cardigan, $8; Belt, $1; Tights, $1.74; Shoes, unknown. Approximate outfit cost: $12.74


  • Bethly

    I need to go to that thrift store. With you!! πŸ˜€

    I love to get rub-on tattoos!! Heehehehe.

    I’m watching the lead up to the royal wedding right now and simply gushing over the exquisite hats! πŸ˜€

    • Mara

      Oh my goodness, yes! Come visit me and we’ll spend HOURS there. It’s huge and amazing. My friend and I went there once and took a picture of all the cat figurines and paraphernalia we could find– I think we ended up with about 200 pictures just of cats. Hehe. It was fun.

      Me too. I had butterfly rub-on tattoos once, and I had one on when we lived in Mississippi, and from then on the Sunday school teacher called me “butterflah” (Accent and all…)

      Mom recorded it. I will get to gush later. πŸ˜€

  • Demy

    You look gorgeous! You always do! No wonder this lady loves so much your style! I mean..whoi doesn’t? πŸ˜€ You’re amazing! And the hat is really beautiful, but 20$?? Not good! Oh and the book is awesome! I’m so happy that I’m not the only person who smells book pages! Now I feel better πŸ˜› But come on, it’s the most perfect smell, especially if the book is very old or very new πŸ˜€ You’re my soul mate πŸ˜› Well, and about rub-on tats, they are awesome! πŸ˜€ But I still prefer the real ones πŸ˜›

    • Mara

      Aww, thank you. Haha, so far nobody hates my style… that has said anything about it, anyway. I love this dress. It reminds me of when my mom used to make me holiday dresses (Easter, Christmas) when I was little. πŸ˜€

      Yeah. It’s a really cute hat, but not worth $20 especially because I’m not sure if I really would wear it or just prance around the house with it. πŸ˜€

      Haha, I think everyone who reads my blog smells book pages. It’s a club now. That’s one reason why I don’t really like reading online/why I’ll probably never get a Kindle or a Nook, because for me, the texture and look and smell of a book is a big part of reading it. πŸ˜€

      I like rub-on tattoos for me better because I can change them. πŸ˜€ Hehe. I wouldn’t be a good tattoo candidate. I get too bored with things. But real ones, on certain people, are really cool.

    • Mara

      Join the club! πŸ˜€ Hehe. That’s so part of the experience of reading a book for me, the smell and the texture and the look of the pages.

  • shreejacob

    I love smelling books too..old or new! Your day sounded like so much fun! and for some weird reason I keep thinking you’re from Britain … my brain has left the building too πŸ˜‰

    Love this dress and voted for it too! (yes when catching up on posts I start from the latest and then move back!)

    • Mara

      So do I! My best friend bought me an amazing book that is brand new, and it smells divine! Haha! That’s okay! I’d rather be thought of as British than American. πŸ˜€ It could be because of those few vlogs where I had the accidental British accent. πŸ˜‰

      I do that, too. πŸ˜€ I never read from the last post I saw up to the newest. Hehe.

  • Avra-Sha Faohla

    I’m not alone! The smelling books, thing I mean. New books can smell good, but old books are the BEST. Also, old libraries smell amazing. Musty books. Yum.