
I don’t ride bikes. I just knock them over.

Β I keep forgetting: I’m going to finally change my blog’s url to And I am going to do it tomorrow. SO. Everything will stay here, but if you’ve bookmarked me, you’ll have to re-bookmark me as I can’t afford to buy the automatic-blog-redirect package.Β Β Details: Dress($8) and brooch ($2.99), thrifted; Shoes($12.98), Target
Approximate outfit cost: Β $23.97

This dress is a dress I bought when I was going through a slightly rebellious phase. You see, I was raised to be fairly conservative and decent in the way I dress (and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that), and I went through a phase a couple of years ago where I was pushing the boundaries of what I could get away with. I was not around my family at the time– I’d taken a month’s vacation to visit a friend in another state– and I bought this dress thinking “I bet mom’s going to say something about the back.”

Disappointingly (because then there’s no drama to relate to you), she didn’t say anything.

And now it just makes me feel scandalous because there are certain garments that can’t be worn underneath it.

And even now, after having mom’s approval of the dress (yes, I’m 23 and I still look to my mother for advice. Shocking, I know.), I tend to pick and choose where I wear this.

It’s definitely not something I would wear around my skirts-to-the-ankles-and-shirts-buttoned-up-to-the-neck cousins. I love them to death, but I think my uncle would have a heart attack if I wore this over there.

So I generally keep it for those days where it’s so hot I really wish I were a boy (or a five year old. Amazing how similar those two can be…) so I didn’t have to wear shirts.

(Secret: I took this picture as I was falling over. I know. I am thatΒ good.)

I’ve finally decided to make use of my Bloglovin’ account– before, I’d bookmarked all of my favorite fashion blogs, and since I’ve been finding SO many good ones (a blogs-I-love post will probably be coming up soon), I figured I should see how well Bloglovin’ works.

Better than I expected.

I don’t know why it took me a full year to utilize Bloglovin’. Seriously. Why am I so slow?

Don’t answer that.

I hope you are all having a beautiful Wednesday!


  • Asia Morela

    It’s a great dress! πŸ™‚ I would also probably be a little self-conscious while wearing such a back in everyday life (at least I’d have to get used to it), but it looks perfect on picture! Kind of Marilyn Monroe-esque.

  • Demy

    Hiii!!!! Are you feeling better?? πŸ™‚
    You look stunning, you know this? Really! This dress looks so cute on you, and I love the back of it! I know what you mean about being ‘conservative’. My family is like that too and of course I too don’t think it’s bad, but sometimes you just want to let some skin out. For example today it was 40 degrees here (celsius), and my brother walked around shirtless whereas I had to melt like a candle from the heat hahaha! It has its charm though (no, it doesn’t. I’m just trying to be optimistic :D) This tiny brooch is really beautiful, a gorgeous little detail! Btw, the title cracked me up when I understood what you were talking about hahahah! πŸ˜€ Oh and the pic you took as you were falling needs a round of applause!!! I mean, you know what pics I take when I fall? They’re THAT blurry that you can baaarely understand even the colors lol πŸ˜€
    Come on, you can’t be serious! Bloglovin is so helpful! I’m using it for a year now (that is since I got addicted with fashion blogs), and I can’t imagine my life without it! I know, it sounds dramatic and horrible to realise that Bloglovin is so iportant (I mean, whaaa?), but I’m all for things that make my life easier πŸ˜€

    • Mara

      I am feeling much better, thank you love!
      Aww, thank you. πŸ˜€ Haha, exactly! Some days, it’s just too hot to wear anything but a dress like this which is light and has no back. πŸ˜€ Hehe.
      I’m glad it made you laugh– it made me laugh, too. I knocked the bike over two or three times during the picture process, and decided I might as well just make the most of the accident. πŸ˜‰ Hehe.
      I know! I don’t know why I didn’t use Bloglovin’ earlier! I’m just slow, I guess. πŸ˜€

  • Jamie Rose

    haha I love Bloglovin’. I don’t think I’d ever get through all the blogs i read if I didn’t have it. That dress is so cute on you – definitely not too showy or anything.

    • Mara

      Oh, I know. I don’t know how I functioned before Bloglovin’, now that I’m actually using it. Bookmarking was so much slower!
      Thank you. πŸ™‚

  • Chris Ciolli


    Just wanted to let you know I’m really enjoying your blog, even though I happened upon it by chance the day it was on the front page of wordpress. Your outfits are cute, and the commentary is witty and entertaining. Thanks for the fun posts!

  • Booksphotographsandartwork

    That dress is stunning. You look beautiful in it. I think it is great that you choose carefully where to wear it. I wish I had been a little more careful about things like that when I was younger. It was the 70’s though! Now that I have a daughter your age I see how my parents felt about those things. Isn’t it odd how I could go from one extreme to another. Even if I had a great body now I would never wear a string bikini. I never had a great body and can’t believe I did that!

    • Mara

      Thank you!
      Haha, it is funny how you can go from one extreme to the other! I’ve never worn a bikini of any kind, and I don’t plan to! I tend to err on the more conservative side with everything; I think this dress is the most showy that I own, and it’s not *that* revealing.