
Things I can’t resist.

Β Details: Shirt($4) and shoes ($12.98), Target; Skirt ($4.99), belt ($0.99) and brooch ($2.50), thrifted.
Approximate outfit cost: Β $23.46

1. Twirling in this skirt.

I mean, seriously. Who COULD resist twirling in this skirt? It’s soΒ irresistiblyΒ twirly.

I’m sorry I didn’t post yesterday; really, I didn’t forget you! It’s just that I slept in, and there was a bit of family drama (extended family, not immediate) that my mom was unfortunately privy to, and she had to vent to me after being vented to by various people in our extended family, and then I had to work, and while I can have my laptop at work it just feels odd and a little too attention-consuming to work on blog posts… annnnddd… I didn’t ever get time to finish the Β blog I was going to post.

So maybe it’ll happen tomorrow.

I feel very pretty today. Not that I don’t feel pretty usually (and I don’t mean that in a vain way), but there’s something about this outfit that I really, really love. And it makes me feel… um… unusually pretty?

I think I’ll shut up before I make myself out to be completely self-absorbed and utterly vain.

Although you all should know by now that I don’t really care too much about appearing perfect.

I mean, I doΒ post pictures of myself (almost) daily on the internet, but sometimes, I just wonder. What do people think of fashion bloggers in terms of their vanity?

There. That should fix it. If you had any thoughts about my being utterly vain, this picture should flush them away. πŸ˜‰

And now, it’s time for me to go to work.

I have a secret project that I’m very excited to reveal to you on Monday (hopefully).

I hope you all have a beautiful Thursday!


  • Bethie

    I always wonder the same thing about fashion bloggers! Not that I wonder myself if they’re vain, but I know when it comes to my 160+ profile pictures on Facebook and the Project Hair Grow pictures, I sometimes think, “I hope this doesn’t seem self-absorbed.” But I get so excited to show everyone my new hair/glasses/clothes/accessories! And I go through profile pictures so fast because I feel like it should reflect my mood and current happenings. So that’s why I try to upload some makeup-less pictures and silly faces.

    Although with you, it just makes you more adorable, so hah! πŸ˜›

  • Demy

    Hey! How’re you? I agree with you about this thing with bloggers! I mean, there are some bloggers that are indeed vain, but I don’t think that this defines the majority of the bloggers. You are simply awesome! I so love this picture you’re doing the grimace, you look absolutely stunning! I’m not kidding, there’s just something cute and charming! And I so adore your hair like that! Oh and of course the outfit is wonderful! Print mixing for the win! Awesomeness!!!
    I’ll have to make this short! Kisses! πŸ˜€

  • Snigdha

    Fashion bloggers are not vain, at least not utterly amazing people like you.
    It’s just difference between ‘self-absorbed’ and ‘self-informative’. πŸ˜‰

    Beautiful dresses, again. You must have one heaven of a wardrobe, right? πŸ™‚

  • Jamie Rose

    Ugh, family drama sucks. We recently had some in the extended family on my mom’s side too. I guess you can’t pick and choose your family, right? Anyway, I love your twirly skirt. I, too, love to twirl anytime I have the excuse!

  • sarah

    I often think the same people think we are vain coz we post pictures of ourselves….BUT there is nothing wrong with admitting youlook and feel pretty you can just tell with some people they are egomaniacs. Confidence is great..BUT ahhaha i love that picture of you… its amazing!!! I think I actually need to save it to my laptop like a stalker haha