
The thrifter strikes again!

Since I won’t be able to do an outfit picture today (dead camera. Also, busy life), and I went thrift shopping again, I will instead give you a sneak peek at the things I bought.

And ahead of time, I apologize for the quality of the pictures/the dressing-room shots. My camera’s batteries died, thus… they’re all phone-camera pictures.

First, the six blouses (all button-up) in their various patterns:

Second, two skirts:

This one, I will be hemming one or two inches.

And I know I am not supposed to do this, but for this skirt I am going to try to lose five pounds. I love everything about it– the style, the cut, the buttons, the high waist. AH! It’s perfection. Five less pounds, and it would fit like a dream. (It was $2.50. Worth trying to lose five pounds for. And I should point out that it may look like it fits just fine, but I sat down in it and most of the buttons– which are snap buttons– popped open. That could create some awkward situations, ya know?)

Thirdly,  three dresses:

The quirky print that I half think is crazy and half love (I bought that belt, too.)

The beautiful, beautiful vintage dress that doesn’t quite fit me but that– since I’m losing five pounds for that skirt– will eventually fit just fine… that I couldn’t pass up.

And lastly, the GORGEOUS red gown I found. I am in love. It’s not the most flattering picture, but oh well. I am in love with this dress.

To give you an idea of what it takes to find these things:

I tried on 52 garments, and left with eleven.

I also bought a black and white ladybug brooch, and an elephant brooch.  Which my phone’s camera refuses to take a  good picture of.
Budget: $60. Money spent: $59.08. Average cost per item: $4.50

I hope to be back with outfit pictures tomorrow. I hope you all have a fabulous Monday!


  • Demy

    Aaah I’m so jealous! It’s sales period here now and I can’t believe I can’t afford to buy anything 🙁 I keep telling myself that other things matter more, but since it doesn’t work, I remind me of all the things in my closet lol! Aaanyway, you bought many awesome pieces! I don’t know which one I love the most! Many prints, many colors, perfect for summer 😉 When I saw the grey skirt, I thought it was really beautiful, but I didn’t like the ending, which is good since you’re gonna alter it! But I was instantly hooked by the denim skirt, it’s so beautiful! And to be really honest, I don’t think that you should lose these 5 pounds, it still fits great. But if you feel like losing pounds, well go on, and good good luck 🙂 Omgosh, I almost forgot the red dress!! WOW! It’s one of these red carpet gowns! I’m not sure if I’d ever wear it, only because I wouldn’t know where to wear it. But it’s super beautiful, and it looks amazing on you 🙂 All the pieces are gorg! They were well worth the never ending search among all these 52 pieces 😀 Looking forward to seeing you rocking them 😀 Byyeee!

    • Mara

      I’m thinking about doing the 30-for-30 again soon,now that I have a more substantial closet. So that could be inspiration to you to remix your own closet while you can’t shop!
      Haha, well, I more need to lose five pounds because I sat down and the few buttons around my hips (which are snap buttons) popped open. I’ve been wanting to lose five pounds just to get to my new goal (which is 10lbs above my previous goal, since I’ve realized that 135 is way too skinny for me), and this is a good incentive to do that! And I need to exercise anyway, for my heart’s sake.

      And I agree! The grey skirt is so pretty, but it’s *just* at that weird awkward stumpifying length. Hemming is a super easy fix!
      Isn’t the red gown gorgeous? I might wear it on my day off just for fun. 😀 Hehe.

  • Elana

    You wouldn’t BE-lieve what a shock 😉 I got when I saw that first turquoise-ish dress with the white belt. My grandma had a dress and belt JUST like that, which she wore often. And we don’t even live on the same continent… Maybe it was exported and sold on the black market after she died! 😉

    • Mara

      That would be a shock! And wouldn’t that be weird if it somehow was your grandma’s dress? She had good taste. 😀

    • Mara

      Now that I work quite close to Goodwill, I go about once a week. Depends on how much I’ve gotten in tips that week, and whether I’m saving for anything else. I need to do a big clean-out of my closet now that I’ve been getting new things!

  • Snigdha

    Amazing shopping, Mara! The red gown and the yellow dress are simply WOW.
    Goodwill is one super store to shop.
    Wish we had some here in India, would give us more options… 🙁
    But anyways, I’m planning to visit Washington soon [to see Forks], and then maybe we’ll go shopping together… 🙂
    Loved it, as usual.


    • Mara

      Aren’t they pretty? I wish the yellow dress fit me right now! And if it never does, maybe it’ll be the item I open up a shop-my-closet page with.

      It is definitely a great place to shop, although it can be overwhelming if you’re not a shopper.
      Yes! I vote yes, definitely when you come to Washington we should go shopping together. I would love that!

      • Snigdha

        Shop-my-closet is going to be a hit, I assure you. I’m going to steal away all of them 🙂
        Yay! This will sure speed up things 🙂

  • Jamie Rose

    Yay! Lots of great goodwill finds. I can’t wait to see how you style them. You sure do try on a lot of things, though! I don’t think I could handle trying on that many items.

    • Mara

      Haha, yeah. I gradually grew into a thrift shopper– I used to hate trying things on, but now I don’t mind. 😀 It gets more fun the more you do it, I think.
      Although I think a big part of why I don’t mind any more is that I realized it’s not ME that is wrong if the clothes don’t fit, it’s just that… the clothes don’t fit. And that’s that. 😀

  • Danielle V

    Oh, really lovely finds! This is what I really need to do – grab tons of items to try on. I think my problem when I go to thrift stores is I never give things a chance (if it doesn’t look perfect on the rack I’m not going to pick it up). But you’ve inspired me to try things out next time 🙂


    • Mara

      Oh, yeah. You definitely have to try things on! I’ve found several things that looked terrible on the rack, but I liked the pattern so I picked them up and they looked wonderful on. So now I just grab any pattern that tickles my fancy, and try it all on!
      Sometimes it’s the opposite, too. Something looks fabulous on the hangar, and terrible on. 🙂

  • Mel

    that yellow dress! amazing! And I love that denim skirt. i think it’s great that you’re setting a goal for yourself. everyone needs a little motivation.

    • Mara

      Isn’t it gorgeous? I so wish it fit me right now. Hopefully it’ll fit when I’ve lost those five pounds.
      And they definitely do! Especially if they are me. 😉

  • sarah

    You go girl!! check out all that amazing stuff you got for such a great price!!!!!!!!!! that red dress is STUNNING you bought that right and will show it off. Gosh you have such a great figure!! You dont need to lose weight at all!!!!! but it looks like you have already!!!!! AHHH!!!! and that denim skirt is cute but sitting down and popping buttons could make for a very awkward social situation …take me thriftin please