
Let’s pretend.

Let’s pretend that I’ve hemmed this skirt to a more flattering length, that I’m not really American (oh, yes, definitely that one), that I’m a secretary from 1943 who has a dashing employer(preferably one that looks like Toby Stephens) that will one day sweep me away to live in an Edwardian-style mansion where we will live happily ever after… and that you will all unequivocally agree that the larger pictures are better.

Let’s also pretend that I’m really going to wear this all day because I don’t have to go to work and be practical. Or perhaps let’s pretend that I canΒ wear this to work because it never gets too hot for wool in the stand, and this skirt isn’t dry-clean-only after all.

And let’s pretend that if I look directly at the camera, I will die, and that’s why I couldn’t seem to meet the lens’s blinking gaze today.

Oh, and let’s notΒ pretend that this shirt is awesome, because we all know that it really isΒ awesome and there is no pretending required to admit that.

And lastly, let’s pretend that my camera didn’t die before I got the chance to take a close-up of my shoes. And let’s pretend I didn’t exclaim at its blinking dying batteries light, “that’s a lie! That is a total lie!” right before it died.

See? Isn’t pretending fun?

We should also pretend that I have an unlimited budget, that I don’t have to do things like dishes and cleaning today, and that there was a bookshelf at work with hundreds of really amazing books to read. And that it’s not embarrassing when you’ve gone to the thrift store so much that one of the employees there wonders aloud to you “so for a person working as a barista, you sure come here a lot.”

Because that’s totally not anΒ insinuationΒ that you spend too much time at the thrift store/spend too much money at the thrift store/possibly have an addiction to thrift shopping. Which you don’t. *ahem*

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pretend chores are fun.

P.S. If you have any book suggestions, suggest them please! I need books to read at work. I like mysteries, adventure-type stories, period romances, and picture books.

Details: Shirt ($4.99), skirt ($5.99), belt ($1.99), brooch ($4.99), and cardigan (n/a), thrifted; shoes($20), Target; scarf and purse, procured from someone in my childhood. Approximate outfit cost: $37.96
Thrift | Everybody, Everywear


  • Holly

    My favourite book ever was a recommendation I was given. I then proceeded to read as much as I could by the author.
    “Oryx and Crake” by Margerat Atwood. It is amazing. Please believe me, read it and tell me what you think!
    As for your thrift obsession, your new purchases and ever-changing outfits… may, only may, suggest you have hehe!
    Also, if we’re pretending you’re not american – what are you?
    Your style would fit right in in Manchester’s the Northern Quarter – honestly you’d fit like a treat! x x

    • Mara

      I have heard of Margaret Atwood before… although I can’t remember why. But I’ve put it on hold at the library. πŸ˜€
      Hehe. Shhhhh. We’re pretending I don’t have an obsession with thrift stores.

      Hmm. British or Irish, I think. Since England and Ireland are two places I MUST go. And their accents are the best. So yes, let’s say I’m from the Northern Quarter. (I can do a passable British accent, too… I think. I had a few readers fooled in one of my old video blogs.)

  • Demy

    Let’s pretend you’re not cracking me up. Let’s pretend that this post was awful. Let’s pretend that you’re not beautiful. Let’s pretend that pretending is not fun! hahaha! Cool! You’re good! I’m really really really sad right now because Bon Jovi are singing in Athens this very moment I’m typing this comment and I AM NOT THEEERE πŸ™ πŸ™ Aaaanyway, you managed to make me smile <3 The outfit is, like..the awesomest outfit ever! Remember I said I didn't like the length of the skirt. That is SO not true! I really love it, it's a beautiful grey pencil skirt! Omgosh, I'm weird, I never take ultimate decisions! Oh well. The shirt is indeed gorgeous, how cute is the print? And the headband, perfection! Perfection! It looks so pretty with the brooch! I really love your style. Oh and bigger pics are better! When I started reading the post, I didn't have to pretend at all. The name "Toby Stephens" was enough. I was selled. I would agree with anything after this. It was destiny!
    And now about the books, unfortunately I can't suggest anything, because I think it's impossible to find greek authors there. I'm sure that you'd absolutely love a greek author, Lena Manta. She's your style. You'd LOVE her, but I don't know if her books have been translated..
    P.S. This mansion is SO pretty! What else can you ask for? (Except for Toby, of course :P)

    • Mara

      Hehehe. I’m glad it cracked you up again. πŸ˜€ I love to make people laugh.
      That’s so sad! Pretend you ARE there, and maybe it’ll help? I’m glad I at least managed to make you smile!
      I’m with you– the length of the skirt is growing on me. And now I’m not sure what I’ll do with it. Ah well, we shall see. I do want to be able to wear flats with the skirt, but this length isn’t flattering with flats.
      Ehehehe! I love that Toby Stephens had you sold! So many people don’t know who he is. I think we should raise awareness. He’s quite a good actor. And good looking. Y’know. πŸ˜€

  • TheDorsetFinca

    I would love to see a video with your English accent!! As for books, anything by Philippa Gregory is pretty amazing (very good Tudor England writing) and the obvious Georgette Heyer.

    • Mara

      Haha, maybe I’ll make one soon. I need to watch a few BBC dramas first to refresh my accent memory, though. πŸ˜€
      Thank you for the suggestions! They’re on my list now!

  • Whoa

    Hard to do – because I don’t know you from anything other than your pictures … but YES to the first suggestion, read Margaret Atwood. Personally, I didn’t love Oryx and Crake – but an earlier one. Cat’s Eye.

    Second: Rosamunde Pilcher. Anything. Shell Seekers, September, Coming Home …
    She’s Scottish and one of my Feel Good authors. Like a Grown Up Anne of Green Gables. I always want to ride my bike through town to the market in a skirt and purchase some tea and crumpets, then curl up with a homemade afghan in front of my Aga. TRUST me. πŸ™‚

    THIRD: One of my favourites … I’ve recommended it to 3 non-readers, and they all loved it. Bryce Courtnenay: The Power of One. Stay away from the second book though.

    Oh – and if you get bored … try my bookslist. I usually put in 5cents worth of opinion. Trying to track everything I read this year – I’m missing some … but … trying πŸ™‚

    • Mara

      I’ll definitely be reading a bunch of Margaret Atwood, then!
      And thank you for the other suggestions, too! I’ve put them on my list of things to read. πŸ˜€ I love to read, I’m just a picky reader. And I get distracted easily. But I’m hoping that having nothing else to do at work will spur me to read more.

  • sarah

    Lets pretend it hasnt been a while since I stopped by and left an overload of comments!!!!!

    Its so strange like you not posting reg on chictopia but its great that you are working and spending all your money at the thrift stores. I really DO Think that blouse is rather amazing Like I think YOU are rather amazing. I feel terrible for not stopping by enough because you are always a delight in your blog posts πŸ™‚ I Love the way you I am going to stalk your blog right now and leave you overloading comments to make up for the crappiness that I have been πŸ™‚ p.s you lost weight?? ( I hate asking that because as far as Im concerned you didnt need to but you look like you have?? anyway either way you are a babe x

    • Mara

      I’m trying to get back to posting regularly on Chictopia! I was gone to summer camp for a week, though, and then I got a job where I have to wear clothes that I don’t mind getting messy (making coffee. There are bound to be spills!) and now my camera is dead. So all of the outfits I’ve taken pictures of in the last few weeks, I’ve put on Chictopia. But there haven’t been many!
      Why thank you, my dear! I rather think you’re amazing as well! <3 πŸ˜€
      Hmmm. Since you last visited… possibly I have lost weight? I can't remember. But if I have, it's only around five pounds maximum.

  • Jamie Rose

    Everything about this outfit is perfect. If only it was fall so I could wear something like it! I love the wool skirt and the texture it brings to the whole outfit. The mixing of prints between the shirt and scarf are great. And I really love that you put a pin in the scarf! So clever and fun. Also, those shoes are awesome.

    As for book suggestions…. I saw this old series I read back in my younger days at Walmart in 3-books in a book packs. They’re called the Sweep series. I felt nostalgic and had to get the first three books, so my sister’s reading them now. They’re easy, quick reads but I remember them being really addicting. Or you could try the Sookie Stackhouse series that the show True Blood is based on. They’re mystery-type books and really good. Or if you want to read an awesome autobiography, read Angela’s Ashes. That one really makes you grateful for what you have. But it’s also funny and so so good. One of my favorites, in fact.

    • Mara

      Thank you! It’s definitely one of my favorites from past outfits. I wish I could dress like this every day, too!

      Oh, I will check my libraries for those! Thank you!

  • Rhia

    I am loving your skirt! The length is just perfect, I forbid you do anything to it. In the first photo it looks like it’s glimmerin a bit. Funny!
    I also love everything else in your outfit. The blouse is amazing. Is it silk? And I definetly have to steal your style for head scarf. I just wish it wouldn’t be so darn hot and muggy here, might be uncomfortable to wear scart on head right now.
    If you haven’t read them before, I am suggesting you try Gail Carrigers series of Alexia Tarabotti-stories. You definetly have read them in order which goes: Soulless, Blameless, Changeless & Heartless. They are steampunk styled werewolf/vampire-adventures with a twist. I’m loving them and can’t wait the fifth book to be published in March 2012.

    • Mara

      Haha, I’m on the fence about hemming it after this outfit.We shall see! I would like to be able to wear it with flats, though,and this length is NOT flattering with flats.

      I haven’t read them, so I will put them on my list! Thank you!

  • saltwatertiffy

    I’ve been reading Philippa Gregory stuff lately (The Other Boelyn Girl, The Constant Princess, etc) they’re pretty good. Also, my pastor’s wife turned me on to books by Stephanie Grace Whitson. They’re easy reads but good none the less.

  • Avra-Sha Faohla

    Ha ha! Yes, pretending is indeed lots of fun! This post brought a smile to my face.

    I really love the outfit. I don’t know what it is . . . but the combination just looks amazing. And though I don’t normally like that skirt length, I actually think it looks great here.

    Everyone’s recommending you novels, so I’ll give you a picture book! πŸ˜‰ It’s a shame picture books don’t last long, isn’t it? But they’re fun. If I remember correctly, the one I want to recommend is entitled “Miss Spider’s Wedding.” Oh, goodness, the pictures in that book are stunning. Best illustrations I’ve ever seen. When I was a little child, I was utterly captivated by those pictures.

  • Sherry from Girls Day Out

    I LOVE this post! And your outfit is awesome! I like pretending! All of the books I read are fashion books – cuz I am pretending I only have fashion to think about rather than work. πŸ™‚ I am getting ready to read Skirt Strategies – There is a website dedicated to Feminine Leadership in the 21st Century. I am going to follow you now! I love your style! Cheers! Sherry xoxo