A little hiatus.
I won’t be able to blog again until Monday, as I’m going camping this weekend and tomorrow is going to be hectic… and I wasn’t able to take any pictures of  my outfit other than webcam ones, because my camera’s batteries died and I didn’t have the other ones charged.  So here are the three webcam snapshots of what I wore this morning (because it was far too hot in the shop to wear this denim skirt at work):
And also: the cutest owl mug ever.
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I might be able to shoot of a really, really fast outfit post in the morning if I get up early enough, but otherwise… I’ll be back to blogging on  Monday. Ish.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do the dishes.
Someone should mail me a dishwasher. Or a robot that does dishes. Or self-washing dishes. Or, you know, a fantastically handsome man-slave that will wash my dishes and adore me to no end.
Although that last option could get a little awkward to explain, seeing as I still live with my family…
But… you know. I wouldn’t mind.
Details: Shirt, given to me by a friend; Skirt ($2.50), belt ($0.99), and utterly adorable owl mug ($0.50), thrifted; shoes (not pictured, $12.95), Target; necklace and ring, belonged to my mother. Borrowed without the intention to return. Approximate outfit cost: Â $16.44
Mon H
Thats a pretty ‘arty’ owl mug. On the other hand, i am a darn good dishwasher and am up for adoption.on top of that i really adore u t o no end…….. :)!
watcha think about that?
Love your owl mug! 🙂
Ahh, have an awesome time camping! 😀 I’m leaving tomorrow as well. I packed my stuff today and I’m kinda anxious, because I’ll be away for 3 weeks and I don’t want to forget anything important… We’ll see 😀 Btw, I’ll try to comment through the Internet on my cell, but I don’t promise anything. That means there’s a chance that I will disappear. Don’t think I have been murdered 😛 😛 I’ll still love you lol!
Aaaanyway, the outfit is really cute! I love the striped top and of course the denim skirt looks amazing on you! I have to say though that your mug is stealing the show lol! It’s so cute! AND IT HAS FEATHERS ON THE BACK!!! WOW!!! My mug is a cow! On the front it’s its face and on the back it’s its tail 😀 Can’t wait to see pics from the camping trip!! Enjoy yourself 😀 Bye!
you’re lookin’ tiny! and as for the handsome man slave to do the dishes? i’m telling you, he gets tired of doing your dishes eventually and then it’s back to piles of dishes in the sink again. i thought i’d found my dishwasher for life! sigh.
Man-slave? I’ll hunt up one, for sure 🙂
I have a friend who is practically bonkers over you, I’ll ask him if he may take advantage of this offer.
I’ll miss you, Mara. Come back soon. And have an utterly amazing camping trip again. Where is it that you’re going, if I may ask?
Keep me posted about the fun you had. 🙂
great mug!
you got a nice blog!
I”m following now!
Avra-Sha Faohla
I’d go with the man-slaves. They’d be worth the awkwardness.
Jamie Rose
I’m getting a cool 70’s vibe from your outfit. Maybe it’s the colors in your top combined with the high-waisted denim skirt. That owl mug is amazing too – just letting you know!
ENjoy camping! It’s always a favourite treat!