
Dy oe.

So you might have guessed from the title that a few of my keys are still broken. Or you might have just stared at it and wondered what “dy oe” meant… but I like to think that my readers are cleverer than that. I’ve regained most of my keys, although the very important ones, like “a” and “n”  and “f” still refuse to work. You never notice how much you use certain keys until they no longer work.

I’m getting quite proficient at only using my on-screen keyboard when I have to. And also at using words that mostly don’t require my broken keys.

SO. The above is my first 30-for-30 outfit. I’m not fond of day one’s pictures, but oh well. They were taken in a rush and I hadn’t had time to do my makeup or my hair.

I still have camping pictures to share, but those require a bit more explanation than outfit pictures do. (I’m sorry there are so few pictures today! I think I got better ones or day two.)

And now, since my keyboard is driving me batty, I’m going to go.

I hope you’re all enjoying your week!

(details: skirt($2.50) and shirt ($3.99), thrifted; shoes(somewhere around $5), Target.)



    • Mara

      haha, it is really hard to choose! But it helps that I’m away from home, and had to pack a limited amount of clothes anyway.

  • sarah

    Hehe at the title..I hate when keyboards dont work properly….Sigh I hope you get it fixed..on screen is pain. My backspace doesnt work but i used the other way so many times its like WHAT IS BACKSPACE. anywho i love your blouse 🙂 Gorgeous x

  • Jamie Rose

    That would be so annoying to have certain letters on my keyboard not working! You look great in that skirt! I love the top you paired with it. Very retro looking

  • Demy

    Hi! I’m still alive lol, but I decided to not stay in front of the computer screen during my holidays. However, I strained my ankle and I have plenty of free time, since I can’t walk lol, so today I decided to comment at last! 😛
    The keyboard is still sick? Ah, this time was a bad one. Anyways, I really love the first outfit of 30 for 30. The skirt looks amazing on you and I LOVE the top. You really look beautiful no matter how your hair or makeup looks 🙂
    I’m hopping to the next post 🙂