
The Blue Giraffe

Today was one of those days where I decided to change five minutes before I left for church– I have a dress that I love, but which I find hard to style. Mainly because none of my shoes really go with it, and it irks me. I had planned to wear that dress today– and I had it on and was all ready to go– but then last-minute decided that I needed to wear these shoes again, and I wanted to be incredibly colorful. Thus… the giraffe skirt and my new favorite shirt.

I didn’t take very many pictures of this outfit (I took a ton of the other one), because I’m headed to a bridal shower and I’m going to go a little more casual than this (I have no idea what the dress code is for this particular shower, so… I’ll go a little less. Plus, it’s a little too warm to wear belts today. Am I the only one who gets really hot when I wear belts around my waist? Yes? Oh. Kay.)

I think I’ll throw on an above-the-knee dress, some comfy flats, and keep the jewelry. Shower-appropriate, yet cool enough for the 80-degree weather we’re having right now.

Also, am I the only one who finds it odd when people don’t dress a little nicer for bridal showers and weddings? I’ve been to both where people show up in jeans and tees. Weddings. For real. Jeans and tees. (My middle brother’s wedding, to be specific. It was odd.) I’m going to require that people show up at my wedding in formal attire. Suits and ties for the men, cocktail dresses or gowns for the women. Because really, when do you ever get a chance to go all out nowadays (especially in America) except at weddings?

I love my skirt. It’s surprisingly hard to style– with the color, you’d think (or I would think) that it would be relatively neutral and go with everything, but that’s not true. It generally only goes with bright colors, and I can’t seem to figure out other ways to wear it.

And yes, while you just saw these shoes, you DID need another picture of them.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Details: Skirt ($4.99), belt ($0.99), and shoes ($5.99), thrifted; shirt ($6.08), JC Penney; earrings and ring ($2 each), Icing. Approximate outfit cost: $22.05


  • Demy

    Surprisingly hard to style? Are you kidding me? Where is the surprising in this? I would never style this skirt in a decent way! I would look like a clown, there’s not the slightest doubt about it! But you. You, girl, look gorgeous in all these colors! It’s amazing how you manage to pull it off in such an effortless way! Love everything! Including the belt, even if it makes you feel hot haha! I can’t say I feel particularly hot when I wear belts, but OH my Gosh, do watches piss me off! They can make me sweat in just a minute! And that sounds weird. I KNOW!!!
    I couldn’t agree with you more about weddings and bridal showers. I just can’t accept seeing people going to weddings wearing jeans. It’s not cool, guys, NOT cool. Thank God, in Greece, weddings and bridal showers are THE events lol, so everyone finds the chance to wear formal clothes. But I don’t complain. That’s the way it should be, no? I’m sure you’ll look rad in your dress 🙂 Have a nice nice nice time! (3x to be sure ;P)
    Did I say I adore the shoes? Because I do!
    Have a nice day.. Actually afternoon, I think. According to my mind (not a very trust worthy place :P), it’s around 4 there. Anyway, I’m off to sleep, because tomorrow I’m back to school. And I’m not happy about it 🙁 Bye! :*

  • Snigdha

    People don’t dress up now– or they don’t LIKE to bundle up. Which is weird, if you ask me. A little trend won’t harm any of them 😉

    The shade of the shirt it pretty soothing. I like it. 🙂
    And your earrings make me jealous. Really jealous. 😉
    Snigdha <3

  • TheDorsetFinca

    Love the outfit – great choice! I agree about dressing for weddings too… luckily everyone who came to ours made an effort (I put in a bit in the invitation about wearing a fabulous hat – and some people really went for it)!!!!

  • Loren

    I think the yellow looks fantastic with the giraffe print.
    I’m never sure if people who don’t dress up for those events feel out of place or not. I went to a pretty fancy wedding, at a place with marble floors and a full bar and people were wandering around in t-shirts and jeans. I felt awkward FOR them.