
Foiled again.

 I really wanted to do a fun, weird, random photoshoot today involving a dark red sheet as the backdrop, a full-face mask, and a 1950’s style dress, but then I realized that my camera’s batteries  need to be recharged.

That, and I really don’t feel like doing my hair and makeup. It’s my day off. I get lazy.

So instead, you can have a gander at my outfit from yesterday. I took these right after I got off work– and no, I did not wear these boots to work… although I would have liked to.

Because they are rather amazing. I’ve worn them three or four times since I bought them, and that was last week.

You’ve seen this dress already, too, albeit worn as an actual dress and not as a skirt. I was iffy on whether I’d actually wear it or not, but lo… I’ve worn it two times already. It’s a very versatile print.

And you know… I’ve worn everything in this outfit– except the accessories– in the past seven days. That’s remixing for you. I tend to stick with a few loved items for a while before I get tired of them and find different items to wear over and over again.

Awkwardly, my brother’s roommate (who lives in the split apartment upstairs) got home as I was taking these pictures, and I felt really self-conscious after that. And then my camera died. So I didn’t get good detail shots of my earrings or the boots, but you’ve seen the boots up close recently so you’ll live. Right?

I hope you are all having a lovely day! I’m going to make myself some tea and watch Murphy’s Law (Why, oh why does my library only have season one? Why???), or possibly write more of that story I shared with you yesterday.


Details: Shirt ($2.50), dress ($4.99), and boots ($12.99), thrifted; scarf and belt, gifts from faraway friends; ring and earrings (not shown, $2 each), Icing. Approximate outfit cost:  $24.48

P.S. Is it really weird that I would like to smell like a man? Because I would.



  • Demy

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Ok, it was serious post. Yes, it was, but then I read the P.S.! HAHAHHAHAH!! You’re awesome, you know it? Kidding aside though, men’s fragrances are so awesome! My brother always tries to push my head off his neck lol!
    Anyway, the outfit is so pretty. I really love the hippie vibe! And the print is SUPER gorgeous! I mean, I would never be able to pull it off. I know it. But you make it look so easy to style and so versatile, it looks amazing! The colors look amazing as well!
    And the boots are perfect, agreed! 😀 I do need a pair of boots like these. Hmmm… Maybe momma will buy me a pair for my birthday muahahah 😛 😛 Oh and I forgot to say that your rings are amazing, especially the big one on your left hand. It’s a beautiful piece!
    Now, I’m off to study. Kisseees! 😉

    • Mara

      It’s okay, I laughed too. But it’s so true! I got a magazine with a scent tester of that scent in it, and I am SO in love. I might buy it. I think I could get away with it, since I’m otherwise so girly, right?

      It’s not a print I would usually like, either, but I’ve been seeing similar prints on other blogs, and I thought… it was cheap, and I’ve been wanting more maxi dresses, so why not try it? And I think it’ll be really versatile!

      If you get boots like this, you have to show me. 😀 I love boots. I want more pairs.
      Thank you, love! Happy weekend!

  • margaret

    Nothing wrong with smelling like a man, I wear Chanel Bleu and I love the way I smell. 🙂 Someday maybe I’ll switch to making my boyfriend wear it. That’ll be one of my musts in a boyfriend: Must wear Chanel Bleu. 🙂

    • Mara

      You have encouraged me. I may save up and get the scent, because I keep smelling it and I love it so much! It was a sample in one of my magazines, and I was rubbing it on my wrist. It actually smells more feminine on me than it does on paper. So it might work!
      And that’s a good idea. I told my mom either I wanted to smell like that, or I wanted to marry someone who smells like that. So you know.


    A) cute accessories! B) Nothing wrong with smelling like a man. I used to wear CK one in middle school 🙂 PS thanks for visiting my blog! always enjoy a visit xx take care!