Weekend Links

Friday Links

Both of these pictures were taken by Mr. Owl, but I thought you might like to see the rainbow food we’ve made. First picture is those Rainbow Cakes in a Jar that I linked last week (you can click on the picture to be taken to the recipe),  and the second picture is Rice Krispy Treats made with Fruity Pebbles instead of Rice Krispies. Yes, they were good.

I think rainbow food should be a weekly thing. I mean, they do always say the more colorful your food, the healthier, right? 😉

Pretty Pictures:

  • Once again, Arathi transports us to another wonderful place. Paris, this time.

Weekend Food:

  •  Lemon Chicken. Mr. Owl and I made this yesterday, only with thin-cut pork instead of chicken. He bravely manned the frying, because I’m afraid of hot oil attacking me. Just a side note, and perhaps we just didn’t cook the sauce long enough, but I would add more corn-starch to the lemon sauce to thicken it up better. Ours was very runny.
  • And since we’ve made two rainbow-colored dishes already, I think Rainbow Fudge is next in line.
Bizarre and Wonderful:

Things I Need:

  • This skirt. Sydney has the most wonderful skirts.
  • This outfit. I especially love Kate’s green tights!

Weekend Giggle:

That’s it for this week! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



  • miffalicious

    Hello my love! I just realised you featured me on your pretty space again. Thank you lovebug, you are such a doll, and I love you for it:) I have a postcard for you, address please! xx

  • Demy

    Ah the pictures from Paris are so amazing! And I love the lyrics under the photos. Magical <3
    RAINBOW FUDGE! No comment needed! I'll ask my momma to make this for me (because I'm a complete loser when it comes to kitchen :P) And the old burlesque pictures are lovely. This is a feminine body with curves and all, not the anorexic bodies that they show us nowadays. Whatever…
    Sidney's skirt is a complete dream, indeed. And Kate's outfit is adorable. She looks like a doll 😀
    HAHHAHAHAH the last link is the beeest! hahahhaha! I definitely saved this one in my computer! Tastefully Offensive indeed! 😀
    I love so much your 'Friday Links' posts. They're amazing <3

    • Mara

      Aren’t they beautiful? Arathi’s blog posts never disappoint!
      The rainbow fudge is SO easy! I was surprised. It just takes some patience, because you have to wait about 20 minutes between each layer of fudge for them to set. And then it takes a few hours to set in the fridge.
      I think the burlesque pictures are lovely, too! It’s so interesting to me how much the concept of what was beautiful –body-shape wise– has changed. And it’s just in the last sixty-seventy years or so that it’s changed, it hasn’t even been that long! But I love them. They’re all so interesting!
      Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoy them. 😀 I like writing them!