
Sponsor Me!

I am now accepting sponsors for Eccentric Owl!

Currently, the blog connects with over 1,000 subscribers via email, bloglovin’, facebook, and twitter, and gets between 300-500 hits daily, with the stats on a consistent rise. As a budget fashion blog, I believe in offering affordable rates to my sponsors. If you would like to advertise your blog or business in the sidebar, you can click here to see my rates and the ad sizes.

Sponsorship includes:

  • Product Reviews
  • Styled My Way
  • Giveaways
  • Exclusive Discounts
  • Sponsor Spotlight

And all of my outfit posts are also posted to Chictopia, Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin’,and  Pinterest! Of course, while I will consider all sponsorship and product offers, I will only work with and post about the products, blogs, and businesses that I feel best reflect my own personal taste and style.

As a bonus, if you decide to sponsor my blog and contact me by Saturday, the 21st of this month, you will receive one extra week for free! I will post all new sponsors beginning on April 23, and your ad space purchase will be valid through May 31st!

So hop on over to my Sponsorship Page for more information. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you!


  • bellesbaubles

    wow thats crazy affordable!!!! hope you get some sponsors if i ever get properly launched i know who i’m sponsoring 1st ; ) seriously its going on my dream board

  • adannells

    This is very exciting! Once I get my Etsy shop up and running I think I might become a sponser!!! I will contact you soon! I am hoping to get my shop up and running by the end of April. 🙂

  • midnitechef

    I hope you can get good sponsorships, I enjoy reading your blog 🙂 If I ever have something to sell (cook book? maybe..) I will keep you in mind for a giveaway opportunity, mind you it might have more to do with food than clothes 😛 If that’s not something you want, that’s totally cool. I’ve been thinking about how I could get ads or something on my site and review kitchen/food products, all I have is a “donate” button for now. xxx

    • Mara

      I hope so, too! And I would love to host a giveaway! I really love food, so even though this is a fashion blog, I’d totally give away a cookbook. 😉 Mr. Owl and I tend to cook at least one good dish in a week.

  • ebonyetivory

    Hey 🙂 When you get sponsors, do you intend to have their ad on your sidebar? I have a situation in which I have sponsor companies. However, my problem is that WordPress does not allow me to display the ads of companies. What do you personally intend to do in a stiuation like that?

    • Mara

      I didn’t know this about WordPress! But I have been thinking about hosting my own site for a little while, so that I can have more control over the layout and such, so now that I know the no-ads policy WordPress has, I’ll probably take the step to host my site.

      • ebonyetivory

        Ok. Yeah. That’s also something i just learned. It’s a bit disappointing cause one has to pay for a server to host their own site. If I would have known earlier, I might not have chosen WordPress to be honest. Complicates things a bit.

        • Mara

          It is definitely disappointing. I am currently figuring out how to switch this blog onto my self-hosted domain, and once I’ve gotten all the kinks worked out I will be posting about the whole experience, just to help people who, like me, are clueless about how it all works! I think if you have a big enough readership and you do have sponsors already, it would be worth it to host your own site.