30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

30 Days of Dresses: A Bit Like Alice.

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And here it is! The new and permanent site. I am very excited to be hosting my own website, very slightly because I can take on some sponsors, but mostly because I have full control over how the blog looks now. And after lots of searching, lots of playing with header size and theme, copy-pasting color hexes, fiddling with CSS and temporarily killing my site because I really shouldn’t fiddle with CSS (mostly: I have no idea what I’m doing other than changing the colors (that’s easy) and editing the width of the blog), I think I’ve finally gotten it to look nearly how I’ve always wanted it to look. I may change up the colors a bit, and the follow buttons on the side might change, but mostly… I love it. And I hope you do, too.

Also, if you look over to the left and scroll down a bit, you’ll see my very first sponsor, who is also a friend of mine and a very talented photographer based in the Seattle area.

Ah, so many exciting things are happening!

I am still working out a few minor things, like putting the “leave a comment” link  at the bottom of the posts instead of right next to the title, but that requires editing the CSS in a way that might once again kill the blog. And I don’t want to do that. So unless I find an easy and simple way to move that link, it’ll have to stay there.

On a related note, I am thinking about writing a tutorial of some sort on how to design your own header image and things like the side follow buttons and such. It always seems like such an easy thing to do, to me, but I’ve gotten quite a few people asking how I made such things, so if that interests you, let me know and I’ll make a tutorial! It would also include my own personal observations on what I’ve noticed looks better when you’re making a header image (such as… generally, it looks better when you don’t use photographs unless they’re really good ones.)

I figured you haven’t seen enough pictures of me being… well… me. So there you go. Now you have had your dose of Mara Making Faces. 😉

I felt a little bit like Alice in Wonderland in this dress. I think it would make a fantastic Modern-Alice dress for a Wonderland photoshoot. Maybe that’ll be the next shoot Mr. Owl and I do…

Also, I love these shoes. But I have never worn them, and I’ve had them since Christmas. See, while I think Mr. Owl is the perfect height, he’s not quite tall enough to be taller than me when I’m in 4 inch heels. So the only day I can wear these is on Sunday, when he wears his dress shoes that have a very thick sole.

Oh well. I’d rather have Mr. Owl than a pair of 4-inch heels…

Even if they are pretty heels.

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!


  • Demy

    Hi!!! This is AWESOME!!! I love so much this new site! It’s perfect, really it is! I love this so much! It’s clean, organized, adorable! And I love the header! And the sidebar! And the profile picture! AH, I’m excited! I hope it will offer you many many chances, because you do deserve it 😀
    Now as for the look, indeed you look a bit like Alice, which can never be bad! The dress is really cute and also these shoes are killing me, so pretty, but I’d pick the boyfriend over these as well hahaha! 😀

    • admin

      Thank you, my dear! I’m so glad you like it! 😀 Hehe.

      I know, right? At least I can wear them on occasion, just not regularly. Which is actually okay, because after a while they start cutting into my feet. So they’re not made for lots of wearing.

  • mariecarolk

    I love this new site! It’s so pretty and functional and I just adore it already 🙂

    That’s a really great dress and the shoes are awesome too.


  • Porcelain Complexion

    Great dress, love the combination of all the different stripes!

    I would LOVE it if you’d do a post on creating headers / buttons etc I am complete rubbish at that sort of thing