
Sick Day


Tuesday evening, I was hit with a full blast of “I-feel-like-I-could-throw-up”ness, followed by a nice little fever, irritated skin, and total drainage of my energy. You might not have been able to tell from the pictures yesterday, but I increasingly felt like crap towards the end of the photoshoot, and when we were done I just wanted to collapse and do nothing.

Yesterday, I woke up at 6am with that wobbly feeling you get if you’ve slept with your arms over your head all night, feeling feverish, throat achingly sore, and definitely not wanting to go anywhere. Thankfully, I’ve got connections (aka, my dad works at the office…) so I was able to stay home from work (okay, it’s more likely that they just don’t need me as much as I want to think they do). I spent most of my day on the couch petting my kitty, drinking tea, commenting on blogs, playing Donkey Kong on the Wii, and eating fruit snacks.

And after I finally took a shower at 3pm, since it was so sunny and I was feeling marginally better, I migrated outside with a blanket to read, stare up at the sun shining through the fruit trees, and eat more fruit snacks. I might be addicted to fruit snacks.

Suffice it to say, I have no outfit pictures. I discovered that the sundress I was wearing (which I only changed into because Mr. Owl was coming over) has a hole in it where the zipper is coming away from the fabric… and, you know, I was sick so I wasn’t about to go traipsing around taking pictures.

I am still sick today, but I’m feeling well enough that I’m at work now blogging away because there’s not much else to do. Sometimes I am thankful that my job has its very boring moments.

And on the bright side, my temporary sickness has set my imagination afire and I am currently brewing up a story about a zombie-slayer bride.

I know. It sounds kind of cheesy, but I think it’ll be good.

I hope you are all having a lovely Thursday!

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  • tiallarising

    Aww, I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well! ย At least you’re feeling better than yesterday, though. ย Honestly, I couldn’t tell you were sick at all in your photos yesterday…so you’re really good at putting on a smile when you don’t feel like it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Get well soon!


    • Mara

      Well, I felt okay (blah, but okay) until the very tail-end of the picture taking. I’m not even sure if the ones where I was finally feeling really sick got posted. I’ll have to look.ย 
      Thank you! I feel much better today!

    • Mara

      I have the sneaking suspicion you only want me to get well so that I’ll write more. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you! I feel better today.

      • Comy

        Of course not! I want you to get well because being sick sucks, AND because I’d be very happy if you wrote more too.

        Yes! Well wishing works!
        Have a great weekend!

    • Mara

      I’m quite liking it! I’d always meant to read it, but never got around to it. And then I found books 6-13 at a garage sale… so I’m reading the middle before I get to reading the beginning. Which isn’t what you’re supposed to do, but oh well!

      Yes, I am! I’ve been sporadically writing all day!

  • Sarah With A Bow

    I think that being sick is almost the worst thing ever. I hope that you feel PERFECTLY better tomorrow. You’re not supposed to get sick during the five nice days we’ve got here in the NW, you know.

    • Mara

      Especially in the summer! I feel better today than I did yesterday. By tomorrow, hopefully I’ll be all better! Especially with the beautiful weather that’s been around!

    • Mara

      I know! ย It should be illegal for sickness to attack during the summer. *sigh*
      I am feeling a bit better now, though, so thank you!

  • Picco

    Being sick is the worst ๐Ÿ™ But to cheer you up, here’s a real conversation that went down between my sister and me yesterday.

    Sister: *blankly staring off into space*
    Me:…uhhh, are you ok?
    Sister: Yeah, I’m just trying to think how to phrase this joke I just made up.
    Me: Oh well, that’s normal then…
    Sister: Ok, I’ve got it. What is Eccentric Owl’s favorite song?
    Me: What?
    Sister: Tomara, tomara, I love ya, tomara, you’re only a day away!
    Me: *blankly staring off into space*

    • Mara

      Oh my goodness, I cannot stop laughing! This made my day. And week. And year. And seriously, you both might just be my ย new favorite people ever!ย 

    • Mara

      I haven’t recovered completely yet; it’s one of those colds that just lingers for weeks. But I do feel better than I did last week! Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚