
Mr. and Mrs. Owl

MarriedI’m back. And married. Mrs. Owl has a nice ring to it. 😉 So does Mrs. Nehemiah Suko. Yep. That’s my name, and Mr. Owl’s name. He finally let me tell you all!

It is the bomb.

I’ll update with lots and lots of pictures soon, but I want to know: how are all of you? I’ve missed you all!


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Preview wedding picture taken by Ivory Button Photography. Aka, the best photographer ever. Click here to see their facebook page!



  • Picco

    Congratulations, darling! 😀 Marie and I have been trying to find a wedding present for you, but it’s so hard. Also, Etsy is disgustingly addicting and has way too much owl stuff. I’m so happy for you!!! How’s married life so far?

    • Eccentric Owl

      Thank you, my dear! Marriage so far has been pretty fantastic and I love it! I can’t wait to be a full time housewife someday. 😀
      Awwww! I can’t wait to see what you guys choose, but take your time! I know how addicting Etsy browsing is, hehe!

  • Darleen~ Places In The Home

    Congratulations and Merry Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Owl! We wish you both the very best joy of married life, the peace of united togetherness, love, and the blessings of the season.

  • tiallarising

    Oh I’m so happy for you, Kristina! Honestly, I never would’ve guess Nehemiah Suko. But it certainly does have a nice ring to it! I really like Mr. and Mrs. Owl, though. 😉 I bet you’re having the time of your life. God Bless!


    • Eccentric Owl

      Hehehe, I know. I love how unusual and unexpected his name is. And I like the ring of Mr. and Mrs. Owl, too. It just makes me happy. You should see all of the owl things people have given us; we are TOTALLY going to be the Owl house.
      I am having the time of my life. Marriage is wonderful! 🙂

  • tiallarising

    Oh and I’ve missed your posts SO much! So glad you’ll be back soon. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing the photos!


  • Beth Woody

    Gorgeous!! I love your new name! Suko is like Zuko, but less fire nation angsty. 😀 I do make those kinds of comparisons, yes. 😛 Would it be weird to say I love you guys? Because I kind of love you guys. ^.^

    God’s blessings on your marriage and future together!! 😀 *mwah* *blows kiss*

    • Eccentric Owl

      No, it is not weird at all! I love you, too! 😀 I wish we lived close because I know we would be great friends in real life as we are on the internet. Which is real life anyway. 😀

  • mariecarolk

    I totally teared up at this photo! You two look so beautiful and happy. Picco and I are completely procrastinating in picking out a present for you both. You’ll get it before your anniversary–maybe. 😉

    Congratulations and Blessings!


    • Eccentric Owl

      Awwww!!! I get all giddy and happy every time I look at it. Surprisingly, I am one of the few people that didn’t cry at the wedding. Go figure. I was too nervous and excited and basking in how unreal it all felt.
      Hehe, take your time! I can’t wait to see what you guys pick out, and to have something fun in my house that will always remind me of both of you!


  • Georgia Matthews

    Oh wow Kristina, you look so beautiful, congratulations on becoming Mrs Suko 🙂 I hope your wedding was everything you dreamed it would be, and I hope you both have a wonderful first christmas as husband and wife! ♥ xx

  • DeAnna (Peacock Wings Blog)

    You have a fabulous name ma’am ! Congratulations! Your picture is perfect! Absolutely perfect!

  • The_Canon_Girl

    ERmahgerd you look amazing, as I thought you would! Mr Owls bowtie is the cutest thing and I can’t wait to see more details of your dress SUPER congratulations! I can only hope to be this happy with someone, someday 🙂

    • Eccentric Owl

      Hehe, thank you! I loved his bowtie so much; bowties make me happy. I can’t wait to see more pictures, either! Waiting is the hardest thing ever!
      I hope you will be someday, too! <3

  • Miffalicious

    Hi, remember me? Your little Singaporean friend who was mentally cheering you on through your wedding 🙂 You guys look beautiful. I’m still looking for the perfect wedding gift, but I promise, I’ll mail it soon. Send me an email with all the details of your new address, and EVERYTHING that happened? Please?

    Love, Miffalicious. []

  • mary @ BGjournals

    congratulations to you both; marriage with your best friend every day is really the absolute best. you both look so lovely in that photo, i hope you are loving your first days of marriage!

  • Margaret

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, so much to love about this picture! Congratulations!! I was eagerly waiting for an update on the wedding! 🙂