Fashion,  Vintage Shop

Resolution #5

I’m trying to keep up with the blog even though I have no computer except the work computer, so while I’m waiting for the money to buy a new laptop, I thought I’d take care of other things: specifically, one of my new year’s resolutions.

In my new year post, I mentioned cultivating my blog shop, which I’ve had around for a little while now. I started it up just to get rid of some of my clothes that I think are too pretty to give to Goodwill just yet, but the more I put up, the more I realized how much I love styling and posting garments for other people to have and the more I realized I would really love to run the shop as more than just a shop-my-closet shop.

I want to turn it into a place where I can style and sell retro or vintage garments. Firstly, because I love hunting for vintage, or for retro-looking items. Secondly, because I know how hard it is for us women to find really good items for an affordable price. Thirdly, because not only is it hard to find retro and vintage items for an affordable price, it’s also hard to find retro and vintage items that are wearable sizes. And fourthly, it gives me leave to buy that vintage dress that is too good to pass up, play with it, and then have it taken out of my hands when I realize it’s just not my style.

So I am clearing out the remaining items from the shop. There are only five things left in the store, and I’ll be leaving them up for sale (they’re all only $10!) until February 16th; if you want any of these dresses, please do snatch them before I give them to Goodwill!

Items Left(Click on the picture to be taken to the store)

And after February 16th, the changes take place! Not all of the items I’ll post will be vintage, but I will be making sure that they all have a vintage feel to them and I might even style them up in a few different ways so that you all can see how you might wear it if you want the garment. Plus, I’ll be trying to branch away from clothing and also sell any fun knickknacks or teacups or books or whatnot that I find… and I may start selling some floral headbands like the one I made and didn’t wear for my wedding.

Here’s a peek of what the store will look like once I start stocking it:

PicMonkey CollageI cannot wait to start making it a vintage/retro haven!

And, most importantly, I want everything I find to be affordable for you, so nothing will be priced at more than $25, whether it’s vintage or not.

I would love for my shop to someday become enough of an income that I can quit my job and be a stay-at-home wife. I have high hopes for this endeavor, but we’ll take it little steps at a time.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. We’re halfway through the week, yay!


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