Featured Bloggers

Bloggers I Love: Selective Potential

I am super, super excited to introduce a new feature hereabouts: Featured Bloggers! Every month I will interview a blogger that I absolutely love, whether they’re relatively new bloggers or relatively famous in the blogging world, and this month to start it off I’ve asked the very wonderful Tieka of Selective Potential to be my first Featured Blogger. 

Now, you all  probably know who she is already– and if you don’t, you definitely need to pop over to Selective Potential and read away! Tieka is the blogger who inspired me to start fashion blogging back at the end of 2010 when I had lost a bunch of weight and was sick and tired of wearing jeans and baggy tee shirts all the time. After I discovered her blog– and her own weight-loss story– I was incredibly enthused and inspired to start really trying with fashion and with healthy living, and still am to this day! She never ceases to enthrall me with her perfect sense of style, her genuine way of writing, and her always wonderful adventures in her home state of Michigan. 

*1. How did you get started blogging, and why?*

I started blogging over three years ago after losing 35 pounds. I was so
inspired by my new body and the many ways I could dress it! I started
looking online for style inspiration, came across an article on fashion
bloggers, started my own and have been hooked ever since!

*2. Last month, my blog was all about love. Would you tell us a little about
the two loves in your life, your boyfriend Eric and your adorable puppy

Eric is my wonderful boyfriend! And Winny is our sweet Cockapoo puppy. We
all live together in a historic apartment, which we are currently working
on redecorating right now. Eric and I have so much in common with our
friends, music, interests and passions. He is so much fun to be around,
whether we’re shopping, dancing, traveling, staying in and watching movies
or taking Winny to pup training! I’m such a lucky gal to have them in my

*3. It seems like you have so many great adventures in your home state,
Michigan. How do you find all of the great places you visit?*

I do a lot of research actually. There are so many hidden gems! I have
countless travel books on Michigan. I usually like to plan a long weekend
in a certain area and then scout from there. It’s so much fun planning mini
adventures. Plus, once you end up in an area, you’ll see signs for new
things and go off and discover them. I love my home state, and I’m so
excited to continue exploring new places here.

*4. On to fashion. How did you discover your sense of style, and how long
did it take you?*

One of the biggest reasons I started my blog was to discover my sense of
style! I honestly think by going a whole year documenting, learning and
figuring out my style, I had it figured out. Although it’s constantly
evolving. I feel like you have to go through each season at least once to
determine what you like to wear year-round. In fall my style is totally
different than my spring style, but I carry some of my favorite elements
throughout – like florals, chunky belts, patterned and colored tights, etc.

*5. If you had to live in any style era other than the present, which would
it be, and why?*

I absolutely love the grunge era of the 90s (done right though). Babydoll
floral dresses, torn tights, lace up boots, leather jackets, band tees,
worn-in jeans, etc. I love it. But I also love the floral, feminine pieces
from the 70s – wood wedge heels, short shorts, whites, lace, funky floral

*6. What five words best describe your style?*

Feminine, playful, grungy, simple, fun.

*7. Eric seems to be a pretty fashionable dude. Does he ever influence your
style, or vice versa?*

Absolutely – he constantly has an opinion, which sometimes I love and
sometimes I hate! Haha! He’s really fashion-forward himself, so I honestly
take inspiration from him on outfit choices. And he does the same with me.
He’ll see me wearing navy or red to go check out a lighthouse, and he’ll
usually be inspired to dress the same. I saw him wearing striped socks with
rolled up jeans and thought it was adorable and did the same. I think
living together, you pick up similar style traits, for sure. Especially
with two people who love personal style.

*8. What would your perfect day be like?*

Ooh, gosh, a perfect day. Definitely a warm summer day, taking an adventure
in Michigan somewhere, most likely in the upper peninsula, grabbing
ice-cream, taking photos, exploring a lighthouse or taking a boat ride,
feeling the warm sand between my toes, seeing some place new, jumping off a
cliff into a great lake, seeing fireworks, or a historic spot. I love more
than anything taking adventures in Michigan. If I ever won the lottery,
that’s all I’d ever do. 🙂

*9. I know that part of your venture into fashion had to do with losing
weight, and you’ve always been a great inspiration to me in that area as
well as fashion. Do you have any tips that have helped you stick to a
healthy lifestyle?*

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so tough. It’s seriously a lifestyle
change. You can’t just give up the things you love, it’s unrealistic. It’s
about moderation, really enjoying the things you love in small portions and
trying to make everything else as healthy as possible. I love following
Weight Watchers because it allows you to eat the things you love, but you
just have to count for them. So it inspires you to eat healthier, because
you can eat more of the healthy stuff. There’s no way I’m giving up
confetti cake or ice-cream! But on the days I choose to indulge, I know I
have to be extra careful and healthy throughout that week.

*10. You have such a wonderful way of sharing your life on your blog, and
your lovely personality always shines through your pictures so
wonderfully. Are there any quirks you have in real life that you find
somehow don’t make it onto your blog?*

First, thank you! I always try to be myself in all of my blog posts – in
pictures, in my writing. Sometimes it’s not perfect, but it’s me. As for
other quirks in real life, I definitely have ’em. Sometimes I’m not as
“funny” in my blog as you’d expect I am, but most everyone I know says I’m
really funny. I get it from my parents, they are both so funny and fun to
be around. I can joke about anything and am not offended by anything. I’d
say that’s a good trait that’s skipped a bit on the blog.

*11. And, of course, I couldn’t let you go without asking: what is the best
advice you could give a new blogger?*

It’s so cliche, but be yourself. Honestly, I never thought readers would be
interested in reading about historic tourist spots, or lighthouses, or
whatever, but I blogged about them anyway. And it’s the #1 thing my readers
love – my trips and adventures around Michigan. Having amazing photography
is a HUGE help. If you don’t have that, you’re really going to fall behind
other bloggers. Write like you’re talking to a friend, not a person you’re
looking to sell a product to. Don’t take yourself too seriously. And do
your research – never stop learning! One of the best things about blogging
is the skills you’ll learn, if you really take it seriously. Photography,
marketing, social media, networking, graphic design, web design, coding,
programming, it’s endless. Seriously. So are the opportunities.

Once again, thank you SO much, Tieka, for being my very first featured blogger! I had so much fun writing these questions and reading your answers. 

Happy March!


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