
New favorite florals


May I introduce to you… my new favorite dress. Oh. My. Goodness. I love this dress. I want to wear it all the time, everywhere. It’s the perfect floral print, the perfect beautiful colors, the perfect length, the perfect twirliness, and it has pockets! I mean, what more could a girl want?

I had a bit of luck at the thrift store this week, and scored three gorgeous vintage 1970’s dresses (one of which you’ll see later this week!) that I can’t wait to over-wear come warmer weather! And by “warmer”, I mean warm enough not to have to still wear a coat in the morning.

IMG_1101 I am so in love.

Apparently so in love that I only looked up for the camera like once in this whole photoshoot. Oops. I was too busy watching my skirt twirl with the wind.


How has everyone’s week been? Mine has been boring so far. I mean, there’s work, which is always interesting (especially when we get wrong number calls. All the time. Once, a lady with a very heavy  (I can’t even guess what sort) accent asked for food stamps. When I told her she had the wrong number, she proceeded to give me her phone number. Three times, in fact. I finally said “WRONG number!” and hung up. And I felt bad.) due to constantly conversing with customers… but even that can get routine!


It’s amazing, though, how much I have learned in the last year about construction. I mean, I grew up in construction– my dad has been a construction worker/tool salesman/estimator for… ever– so I knew more than most people, but I have learned SO much more about how things work at my current job!

IMG_1123And then there’s married life, which is good. Except for the fact that I’m a terrible housekeeper and end up washing a week’s worth of dishes every weekend because I don’t make time to do it during the week. But that’s my own fault.

I wish I could make a video for you of all the hilarious things that happen with Mr. Owl and I, though. It seems like he’s always making me laugh, but I can never remember why. I like him more now than I did on our first date. Which is probably a given. Life does just get better and better.


Do you other bloggers find it’s hard to talk about your own life when you’re writing posts? Not that you want to hide things or censor what you say, but rather… it just doesn’t seem as though there’s anything interesting you might want to offer? I feel that way all the time about writing blog posts! I love reading about the lives other people lead, no matter how inconsequential they might be, but then it comes to writing about my day-to-day life and I come up empty.

I just think: my life is so… normal. How could it be interesting to other people?


Thrifted: Dress, brooch
Forever 21: Heels, ring
Target (came with a dress): belt

I have started writing again (for the third or fourth time, goodness) and I have finally gotten over the big plagiarism affair that made me quit using Fiction Press… and I’ve gone back. So if you’re interested in reading my writing, you can pop  over to my Fiction Press profile and have at it. I can’t promise anything grand, especially after a nearly two-year dry spell! But I hope to entertain, at least!

I didn’t think I’d ever go back to FP, but I find that people are less likely to review stories if I post them on a personal blog space, and I have to admit that I love getting reviews. Good or bad. It keeps me writing. And on Fiction Press, people are much more prone to leaving a word once they’re done with a chapter, and it’s lovely.

I hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday! Happy Humpday!

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  • Marlen

    hahah it’s VERY hard to rip yourself away from a twirling skirt, I’m right there with you on that one. And that dress is BEAUTIFUL, I can’t believe you thrifted it! I’m curious to see what those other dresses look like 😉

    And that’s so awesome your parents-in-law are going to India, what part are they going to?

    xo Marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

  • Salazar

    You’re killing it with the florals this spring! Such a gorgeous dress.

    And good for you for getting back into writing – I’m hoping to do the same, but I don’t have the courage to put my work out there to get feedback (which makes me a bit of a coward and a hypocrite, seeing how my job is to critic strangers’ writings!) I can barely send stuff to my friends as it is.

  • kelly loh

    Hi! So this is unrelated to the post(cute dress though, love the belt and the style of the shoes) but I couldn’t figure out how to send you a message. Awhile ago you posted about buying a pattern for a dress and I finally got around to looking at the patterns and I can’t figure out how they list the sizes. I mean, I figured out which size I am–this involved a complicated procedure using a phone recharger cord and stealing my brothers sharp metal tape measure–but they say stuff like A (then-a-bunch-of-seemingly-random-numbers) or BB (20W-24W) and I can’t figure out what they’re talking about. How do you choose the right size pattern, and if you can’t find one can you adjust the pattern yourself so it fits? Thank you!