
Firmoo, part two: Stripes, bikes, and tortoishell frames


This is the other pair of frames that Firmoo sent me. I LOVE them. They might replace my old glasses as my daily frames, because they’re just so perfect! The frames are super pretty, and I think they fit my face perfectly, and they’ve got that style reminiscent of the 50’s, which I absolutely adore.



These are the glasses I was looking for when I first updated my frames, and got talked out of getting. Of course, the place I was looking didn’t have frames nearly as amazing as these ones!


In other news, my birthday is tomorrow! I’m so, so excited! I cannot wait to find out what my husband has planned for me, and to open presents, and to be 25. Is it just me, or does 25 seem like such a monumental age to reach? I don’t know, it just gives me this feeling that I’m growing up. Maybe I’ll finally stop accidentally telling people I’m 19.

I mean, that was my favorite age for a long time. Don’t know why, it just was. But I’m looking forward to being 25! I think being newly married, having started writing again, being able to blog regularly, and having the warm weather finally reach us are all things that are really brightening up my days. Life is wonderful right now!


Speaking of the husband, he thinks this shirt is really outrageous and too reminiscent of an umpire. I think it’s bold and fun and cute. What do you think?

PicMonkey Collage

You can tell how much I love these glasses by how many faces I made while wearing them. Public face making is definitely directly related to how confident I’m feeling. Does anyone else do that? The better I feel, the more I’m likely to pull a face.


Also, this is the plant that helped me get my focus set in lieu of Mr. Owl being around to take pictures. One of these days I’m going to gather all the outtake pictures of things in my shots that were there to set my focus just to show you. Some of them are pretty funny!IMG_1204

C/O Firmoo: Glasses
Target: Skirt
Thrifted: Blouse, sandals

I hope you all have a great Friday, and a fantastic weekend!

Tomorrow’s my BIRTHDAY!

I’m excited.

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