
Seeing dots


It’s funny how seeing pictures on a larger screen can totally change the way you think of them. When I took these, just peeking at the little screen of my camera, I didn’t like them at all. It’s always hard to photograph white, and I kept making the weirdest faces… and falling over because these heels are shaky.

But then I got them into editing and I started to love the way they looked. The white might be a little overblown, but the whole look is so crisp and springy! And I still love my glasses, which is a big plus!

Do you ever have issues with pictures initially and then realize later you actually like them?


As you can see, there’s a hole in this skirt. I didn’t notice it when I bought it, but then decided it doesn’t matter because for one, I’m going to hem the skirt and I can hem it just above the hole, and two… it was a dollar. I am all for buying quality clothing even from thrift stores, but when something is only a dollar, it’s okay if there’s something little (and totally fixable!) wrong with it. Besides, the hole is in the fold of a pleat, so it’s mostly hidden.


So I didn’t realize all day at work that if I turned sideways, my shirt gaps just enough that you can see my bra. Not exactly work appropriate. Thankfully, I had a spare cardigan to wear and cover up the peekaboo happening.

I swear, button-up shirts are out to get me.

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It’s supposed to be SO nice this week! I think the weekend weather should be up in the seventies and eighties, and I cannot wait. I want to have lots of adventures! IMG_1283



Forever 21: Blouse
Target: Heels
Thrifted: Skirt and belt
C/O Firmoo: Glasses

Today is the day that my big surprise will be revealed to… well, not you guys. But maybe tomorrow you’ll see. And if you follow me on instagram, I  might post a teaser preview of what it is. Any more guesses?

I hope you all have a lovely Thursday! It’s almost the weekend!

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  • Salazar

    I usually have the opposite problem – the outfit looks good in mirror, but not so OK in pictures. So now I always snap a test pic first before actually shooting an entire outfit only to scrape it because I don’t like how it looks. Your blouse is lovely though, and that belt is to die for.

    And quit teasing us with the surprise!

    • Eccentric Owl

      I have that problem, too. I had that problem today. I liked it in the mirror, then snapped a picture and hated it. So y’know. 😀
      Thank you!

  • Sarah Whiting

    I actually have the opposite problem with pictures. They’ll look good, clear, on the camera viewer, and then I’ll download them and see that they’re not as clear or as well composited as I had originally thought. Still, I’ll normally come away with a few that I do love.

    Also, I love your skirt! So pretty. And these photos did come out gloriously!

    I can’t wait to find out your secret. I have absolutely NO idea what it is.

    Last but not least, I have the same problems with button up shirts. I never wear one without an undershirt anymore because of that.

    • Eccentric Owl

      Well, Nehemiah’s camera has a pretty big screen so I can usually tell if it’s not in focus.

      I love it, too.
      Bahahah, secrets. I love that you had no idea! 😀

  • Jamie Rose

    This is so spring-y and pretty! I love the mix of your dotted top with the floral belt. I think these pictures turned out great too. They have a dream-like quality.