
Dandelion Fluff


Fashion & Faith

This, my friends, is what our yard looks like right now. Isn’t it beautiful? And also, shameful?

Ha! My husband is incredibly allergic to grass, so he attempted to mow down the beast our yard has become but after a few rounds on the mower, he came inside with red eyes, a runny nose, and terrible reactions to the grassy pollen. I could hop on the mower and try, but it’s a sad little mower with one dull blade that cuts like a two-year-old self-trimming with blunt scissors, so… I’m going to wait and see if I can convince my mom to come over with her awesome mower and do it for me. (Yes. Because I’m pregnant and I can ask people to do these things for me now. Also, she likes mowing lawns. I think.)

4 Lately, as you might have predicted from yesterday’s post, I have discovered yet another wonderful thing about pregnancy: apparently your teeth get shot to heck when you’re pregnant. I didn’t know this; maybe it’s because I already have weak teeth, but oh my GOODNESS last weekend I had the worst toothache of my life. My mom and my friend both told me it’s probably another pregnancy thing.

Collage 1

So, of course, I had to go to the dentist yesterday. I fully expected to have an emotional breakdown there, because that’s just… what I do. But for the very first time I can remember, this dentist put me at ease. I didn’t feel like he was judging my bad teeth, and I trusted that he wasn’t going to do anything painful to me. Which is saying a lot; I mean, ever since I was little and had 20+ cavities in my baby teeth, I have dreaded going to the dentist. (I punched one when I was five. That should say something.) I have aways had some sort of emotional nervous breakdown as soon as they tell me what they’ll have to do. I’ve never been able to just sit and relax.

But I actually laughed and smiled. I think it helped that he was younger (not that I have anything against older people, he just seemed closer to my age (ish) and more understanding), and that all of the dental assistants were fun and cheerful.


That, and everyone knows my in-laws there, and they all LOVE the Suko family, so they were asking how me and my husband met, how the family was, how my brother- and sister in-law in Ukraine are doing… that was lovely.

And everyone congratulated me on my pregnancy.

So, for the first time, even though I recieved bad news (root canal, as I said yesterday), I can finally say I liked the visit, and I like my dentist. It’s kind of a relief, really. We’ve been to a lot of dentists in my lifetime, and I can finally stop looking for that one that doesn’t scare me half to death! (Not that any of the dentists beforehand have been terrible or mean or anything like that! They’ve all been really nice and professional. I’m just terribly fearful of most people who have drills they need to put in my mouth.)


Anyway! I’m glad that out of the whole day yesterday, the thing I dreaded the most actually turned out to be pleasant enough, considering the circumstances!

121113 The photo shoot I was hoping to do for my new little photography venture got postponed, so for now I suppose I will focus on the 30-day self-portrait challenge, and this weekend’s upcoming project: the 72 hour film festival that my husband is doing. He has to make a 5 minute film in 72 hours, and can’t do anything but gather actors and scout locations until they give him the 4 requirements that will have to show up in the film (a prop, action, dialogue, and… something else…)

It’s SO hard not to come up with ideas while we wait, but whatever happens it’ll be fun! We did it last year and had to unexpectedly act ourselves (and I didn’t share the film with you all because I am NOT a good actress, believe me!) instead of being behind the camera, so that was… fun. But this year we’ve already gotten a few people involved to be our actors, so hopefully it all works out! I’ll be doing the makeup and costumes. I can’t wait to get started!!!

And, if it turns out well, I’ll be able to show you all the end result in October after they show all of the 5 minute films at the festival.But I’ll try to take some pictures if I can, to show you some sneaky previews 😉


Vintage: Dress
Thrifted: Heels, belt
Forever 21: Earrings

I noticed lately that I’ve started to gravitate heavily towards vintage and retro looks, now that I’m baby bumping. It’s funny, I feel like I’ve finally settled into a style; I know what I like, I know what fits, and most importantly… I know how to dress (now, anyway) my ever-growing belly comfortably while still looking pretty. I rather like the way becoming a mommy-to-be has started to affect my style!

Also, dresses are way more comfortable, and none of my skirts fit any more. So there’s that.

I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday!


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  • Amia

    I love the floral pattern and the blue on your dress! I am afraid of dentists too, which is kind of bad since I’m interning in a dental school right now (not as a dental student, but I’m working on their archives of a growth study) and I’m surrounded by orthodontists all day! I’m glad you had a nice experience this time 🙂

    • Eccentric Owl

      Isn’t it a pretty dress? Thank you!
      Oh, man! Well, maybe by being surrounded by orthodontists all day, you’ll start to get used to them?
      But y’know. Maybe not. Hehe. 🙂

  • Becca Lee

    What a gorgeous dress. I kind of like that your yard is overgrown! Also, I hear you on the dentist. I had a mean one when I was a kid, and it took me until about a year ago to get comfortable. I found a super nice dentist with really nice assistants and it made all the difference!

    Ladyface Blog

    • Eccentric Owl

      Haha, Becca, I do too! I wish we didn’t have to mow it, but the rental agreement states we have to keep up the yard. So it can’t stay overgrown forever. Which makes me sad. I think it’s pretty.
      I had sort of the same experience; I remember dentists telling me “No, that’s not pain, that’s just pressure” when I KNEW I was feeling a nerve and not just pressure! But it does make all the difference when the dentist and assistants are all nice! I’m so glad you found a good one, too!

      • Becca Lee

        Bummer/probably for the best! I started crying once at the dentist as a kid and the guy was like “Be quiet! You’re going to scare the other kids!” He was the worst. I’m definitely glad we both found good ones!

  • mariecarolk

    Oh I’m so glad it wasn’t as bad as you though, even though you have to get a root canal. Personally I hate going to the doctor at all, because usually I get told that I need to stop eating sugar (but it’s so delicious!) haha.

    Love this outfit! I’m really liking the retro/vintage vibe you’ve been leaning towards lately. Speaking of, have you ever seen this website?

    Amazing retro dresses and other cute stuff!

    • Eccentric Owl

      Haha! Yeah, thankfully they never tell me to stop eating sugar (because I’d retort that I rarely eat it!), but they do always tell me to floss more. Bah. Teeth are dumb. 😉
      Oh my goodness! I might be on that site forever!

  • Alexandra Marie

    Wow- this shoot is seriously gorgeous! Love those shoes, I can’t believe you found them at a thrift store!

    • Eccentric Owl

      Thank you, Alex! I know; it’s so rare to find good shoes at the thrift store now. I’m hoping someday I’ll find another good pair, because these are starting to fall apart!

  • Melissa McBride

    Eee! So cute! 🙂 I’m glad you found a good dentist. That is ‘imperative’! My dentist offers this ‘knock-you-out-for-an-hour’ pill that essentially puts you to sleep through any procedure you’re not comfortable with. I don’t know if you could use it pregnant, but that’s a thought! Anyway, love the dresses girl. Own that vintage style. The bb bump is toooo much.

  • Marlen

    aww i love the dandelion shots, especially the one of you in the grass. and haha that’s awesome you get to use the pregnancy card now 😉 no grass mowing for you guys! and your hubbies allergies sound awful, no wonder you want a smaller yard next time, yikes. and that’s good to hear the dentist was sooo nice. mine totally judges me about my teeth -_-

    and i’d looove to hang out with you next month!! whenever is good for you will be good for me 🙂

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

  • Salazar

    Ha, about the teeth thing – my mom said she went through the same thing when she was pregnant with me and my sister, because all the calcium in the body got focused on the baby at that point, I guess. Still, weird, right?

    The dress is lovely, btw – and hey, you can totally submit this for next week’s SIA. The colors are perfect!

  • LadyD

    Hi, Kristina! I’m a very new follower, but I’ve been enjoying your posts. 🙂 I *SO* get you girl, when it comes to dentists. After spending most of my childhood getting my teeth filled (even when I brushed religiously and didn’t eat a bunch of sweet junk food) I practically have a dentist phobia now. I’m glad you found a good dentists, prayers for you as you get your root canal! Also, there are a couple things that might help. If you aren’t getting enough calcium during pregnancy, your body pulls it from your teeth and bones to give to the baby. It can be harmful for you and the baby (who might have week teeth as a result), so be sure you are taking extra calcium. And, as far as helping your teeth now, look up oil pulling. I know it sounds weird and gross, but I’ve done it for a long time, and I can notice the difference when I stop. It helps with the pain and general week feeling in my teeth. The oil is actually pulling toxins out of your teeth and gums. I use good olive oil, but I know people who use coconut instead (which might taste better). Just some helpful thoughts!

  • Meanz Chan

    Kristina, you look so lovely. I adore this dress; the print and fit are just great. I can see why you’re drawn towards vintage and retro! Hope your toothache gets better!