Baby and Parenthood



If you didn’t already see the announcement via Instagram, my darling baby owl is finally here! Asa Reuben arrived at 12:40am yesterday morning. As you can see, he’s pretty chubby! My mom said he’s bigger than ANY of her babies at 8lbs 9oz and 21-1/2 inches long, but he’s smaller than most of my mother-in-law’s babies.

We think he’s pretty darn adorable. But then, we’re his parents.

I’ve been posting a ton (too many) of pictures and videos on Instagram, so even if you don’t have an Instagram account you can still hop over there via this link to see. I’ll be updating there… several thousand times a day. Haha! I’ll be back to blogging in a week or so to share his birth story, things I’ve been learning so far, and all of that fun stuff!

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! I just want to thank all of my wonderful guest-posters so far; they have all been giving me such great posts, and I can’t wait for you to see the rest of them!

Happy Wednesday!


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