Penguins and Diamonds
We are almost finished moving! I’m so happy to be pretty much over with the hardest part; now all we have left is to transfer those last little bits and pieces, clean up the house a little, and be done! And then I have to organize everything to fit into the room we’ve moved into (in my parents’ house) so that we’re not tripping over each other! It’s a bit weird going from a whole house to one room, but at least we don’t have a ton of stuff yet. Our house was pretty small, and most of it is going into storage.
I’m super excited to be living with my parents; I love them, and it’s so nice to have someone who’s overjoyed to take Asa all the time (haha, my mom basically hogs him. Which is fine with me!), and their property is so much prettier than the rental we were living in… and… yeah. It’s a great situation, and we’ll be able to save up over the next few months to buy a house!
I wore this yesterday for a post-birthday dinner date; my husband and I were going to go out on my birthday, but by the time it got to evening, I was too tired to do anything. So we postponed it, and it was nice to have a little date for just the two of us. We went out for burgers and a milkshake, and it happened to be trivia night at the restaurant (for anyone who lives nearby, Lunchbox Laboratory in Gig Harbor, which is a really fun place!).
Basically there were eight rounds of trivia, and in between writing down the answers on your sheets of paper, there were pop quizzes. My husband and I were only participating casually because we weren’t staying for the entire two hours of trivia, but then during the pop quiz (which I wasn’t going to get up to play), they asked the question “What alliterative phrase is synonymous with ‘Peroxide blonde’?”
And nobody knew the answer. Nobody up there even knew what “alliterative” meant. They gave answers like “dishwater/dirty/platinum blonde”, asked “what’s alliterative?” and generally stood there stumped. So I had to hop up, scribble down “Bottle blonde” on a piece of paper, and hold it out. And in case you don’t know, alliterative means that the words start with the same letter. My husband didn’t know either. It made me feel simultaneously smart and frustrated that people don’t know something like that, haha! I’m just a word nerd, I guess!
I got these sunglasses to add to my swiftly-growing collection of sunnies; Oasap has the BEST sunglasses, seriously. I’ve loved every pair. And these are huge and slightly steampunk/Dr. Nefario crazy, but I really like them! They’re super fun, and things that are fun in fashion are the best things to wear.
And also… I love this penguin shirt. I needed to beef up my tee shirt collection (or lack thereof) for summer, since the weather is finally turning beautiful, and there are some super adorable shirts available at Oasap right now, too! I love the material; it’s really good for nursing, because it’s very stretchy and also really comfortable.
It’s supposed to get up to 80 degrees this week! Today it’s super sunny and warm, and I’m about to take Asa outside to play on the lawn for a bit. He’s been really happy and fun today, and he’s started to roll onto his side! Pretty soon I’m sure he’s going to roll over all the way.
Shirt and sunnies (similar) c/o Oasap | Skirt, belt, and flats thrifted | Earrings, gift | Headscarf (similar), Modcloth
I hope you are all having a good week so far!
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That shirt is so fun! And in a weird way, it goes really well with those sunglasses too.
You look adorable! Your hair is looking especially cute. Also I love seeing you remix pieces a bunch of times, it inspires me to rethink ways of wearing things in my own closet!
I can’t believe NONE of them knew what an alliteration was! Makes me a little upset, being an English major and all, haha.