
Magic Hour

36 Do you ever have one of those days where everything goes fantastic until the very end? And somehow, even though it’s been a great day, you have a breakdown over something somewhat miniscule? Yesterday was one of those days.

MyΒ  husband and I took a day trip to Port Townsend, and the whole day was really great right up until we got home with an exhausted baby who had decided he didn’t really want to eat normally OR sleep much all day. After feeding him and getting him to go to sleep, he woke up 45 minutes later crying hysterically, and I knew he was just tired but it suddenly just overwhelmed me. Nothing I did with him would pacify him, and it ended up that both of us were crying while my husband had the baby on one arm and me on the other. Poor guy.

So I had to leave the room, and once I finally managed to not cry, I suddenly got overwhelmed again by the fact that there were dirty dishes where I needed to set my teapot, and up welled the fountain again.

Oh, emotions. 7 8 10 But that’s life. Mom life, anyway. Or girl life. I think (I hope) I have gotten a little more even-keeled since getting married and having a baby, but waking up early to feed a baby plus a long day — even a good day — can still get to me. I still don’t have it all together, and I probably never will. And that’s okay.Β 154This skirt was a skirt I bought a little bit before I got pregnant, so I’ve had it for about a year and I’ve never worn it. Originally I actually planned to sell it… but then I tried it on. And it’s going to stay with me. I love the length and the cut, and the rainbow-ish color of the wool… it’s so pretty!

I felt very rockabilly in this outfit. I definitely have been keeping to the mantra “if it makes you happy, wear it” when getting dressed, and I’ve noticed that the outfits I choose have increasingly been based on how I feel that day. If I feel like a hippie, as the last post, I feel much more comfortable just dressing like one, now that I’m not necessarily trying to stick to a certain look or era.

It really helps to sort of “release” yourself from having to dress a certain way. I know I love vintage, and I know I love to have a distinct look to whatever it is I choose, so as long as I’m going with those two things it makes me happy!Β  13 14 And these shots! Again, we had onlookers, but oh well! It was at a public park, so I expected people to watch. Haha! A few teenagers intermittently played Frisbee and watched us shoot pictures, and I did my best to ignore them. My husband is always telling me to pose, but with people watching it’s a little more awkward! I’m getting more adventurous, though. And I’m in love with the light in these photos.

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Today I am hoping to go back to reading Sweet Ireland Air so I can get back into writing more of it. I took a break there while we moved and got settled in, but I’m ready to delve back in and get going! I miss writing. The more I think about it, the more I miss it.

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Vintage thrifted skirt, belt, and sunglasses | Target shirt and heels (old)

I hope you all have a great Tuesday!

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  • Rebecca Joy Jensen

    I personally have been a basket case since G was born almost a year ago! I cry with very little provocation over silly, sentimental things that normally wouldn’t have done it to me. It’s ok to be emotional, just means you’re not wonder woman. <3 she's overrated.

    • Eccentric Owl

      Haha, definitely not wonder woman! I definitely cry over different things now, which is hilarious to me. Like I needed more things to cry about! πŸ˜€

  • Salazar

    Gorgeous photos! I didn’t even realize the skirt was striped until you mention it, I thought that was the flare from the sun.

    And hey, there are days when I wish I could have a good cry too, and I don’t have a baby to take care of, so don’t feel bad.

  • Avra-Sha Faohla

    Maybe you were just exhausted from the trip, however much you enjoyed it.

    Also, Sweet Ireland Air! Yay! Every time you mention that you’re working on it, I get really excited. πŸ˜‰

  • Damaris / The cat, you and us

    You definitely should keep the skirt, you look perfect on it. I love when you say that ” I still don’t have it all together, and I probably never will. And that’s okay.” It IS okay, we must tell this to ourselves more often; it is not a “problem” to be sentimental πŸ™‚ Beautiful light in these pictures!
    The cat, you and us

  • Grace Dalton

    You look so gorgeous! I love, love shooting during Magic Hour…somehow photos at other times never look quite as good. πŸ™‚ Also, I’m a huge fan of how you rocked that graphic tee in a dressy, ‘I-could-go-to-dinner-or-to-a-cafe’ way.

  • Katie

    Oh, I just love everything about these photos! Where to begin? I absolutely think these are beautiful photos-as you said the lighting is so beautiful and I adore your hair! I’ll have to try the wrapping technique you shared…I wonder if I could make that work with my hair? Yours is so pretty and full of volume! I also think the sheen on your skirt is so very unique and lovely, I’ve never seen anything like it.
    And if it makes you feel better, I have days like you mentioned above all the time and I’m not even a mother-so I think it’s just a human thing πŸ™‚

  • Nan

    These photos are lovely πŸ™‚

    I’d really love to see more recipe posts from you because the paleo lifestyle sounds interesting (and delicious). Any chance those are a possibility?

    Also, I remember you posting about bras! I love bra shopping, and to find my right size I used this image to measure and this calculator

    I was curious how you got measured and if they came out to be the same measurements as that bra size calculator would give you?

    • Eccentric Owl

      Oh, I really want to do more Paleo lifestyle posts! I will be working on those for the future.

      And yes, that’s what I used. My bra size came out HUGELY embarrassingly different. I’d gotten measured years ago at a Macy’s, and the associate told me I was 34C, so I’ve been wearing that forever. Turns out she was wrong even then– then I should have been a 30DD… and now? 30 H or I. Ha! So, so wrong. So I ran to the store and grabbed the closest size I could find to a 30H, which was a 32G, and it fit much, much better than the 34C I’ve been wearing for years.

  • Becca Lee

    Oh my gosh, Kristina, these photos are SO gorgeous! You hit the most magical magic hour for sure. I’m sorry to hear you had a rough ending to your day. I hope things have been looking up since then!

    Becca | Ladyface Blog

  • Jamie Rose

    I’m so late seeing this post but ah I love the lighting in these pictures! It’s incredibly pretty! Plus your outfit is fantastic. I always appreciate a t-shirts being styled in cute ways and you definitely did that here. I have those same heels you’re wearing too! Unfortunately mine fit like a half size larger than they should so I don’t wear them often…
    Also I’m sorry you had a crappy night. Being tired does all kinds of strange things to my mental state too so I understand.

  • Desarae

    Ah-mazing pictures! The lighting is perfection!! These look like they should be in a magazine. Fun stuff. Sorry you had a hard day. πŸ™ Just so long as you have that shoulder to cry on and a pot of tea, things will be ok.