We went camping this weekend, and it was so much fun! Asa loved it, and I figured he would, since he really likes to be outside. It was a little sprinkly — and I was really cold taking these pictures, so don’t be deceived by how summery it looks –, and disappointingly not hot enough to swim in the lake, but just hanging out with family and wandering around the grounds was good enough for us.
Looking at these pictures, I understand now why some people would still think I’m in highschool. I only wore mascara, and combined with the tired eyes… yep. I’m okay with looking young, though! I’ll have a post later this week with pictures of camping; we never take as many as I want to take, but oh well! That just means we were actually enjoying ourselves, haha!
My husband bought me this shirt from Tee Fury, and I absolutely love it. Belle has always been my favorite princess, and who doesn’t love Doctor Who? (If you don’t love it, don’t tell me.) I think it’s pretty great. I also love that the picture is high enough to wear with a skirt; I hate covering up half of the print on a shirt, but this one ends above my waist. The only thing I don’t like– two things: it’s a hair too short, so it’s not quite good with shorts or pants when I sit down… and the neck is just a bit too small so it tends to mess up my hair or mess with my glasses when I try to get it on and off. Other than that, though, it’s perfect! And can we talk about these shorts, too? My husband spotted them on the clearance rack at Target; I almost didn’t get them because my normal size was way too small (I hate that), but on a whim I decided to grab the pair two sizes up, and they fit perfectly.
But that’s how it is with this type of material, I think: if it isn’t a bit stretchy and jean, I usually have to size up one or two times to get it to fit my hips. Worth it for a cute pair of polka dotted shorts, though. I think I would wear shorts a lot more if they were all patterned like this! I might have to go back to Target and grab the other pattern, too! I think I always over pack for camping; I minimized this trip and still didn’t wear a few things. But I tend to try to prepare for anything, so I ended up bringing outfits for all types of weather, since the forecast was up and down all week for the area. I pretty much only wore this outfit, my yoga pants, and my graphic-print cardigan the whole weekend, though.
And I totally googled “How to look cute while camping” because I knew lots of pictures would be taken and… well, I have to admit I like to look good in pictures. Or at least not like a total bum. Ha!
A good pair of shorts goes a long way to making you feel less sloppy while camping. I’ve never really liked me in shorts, especially jean shorts, so to actually love a pair is nice. I think I’ve just never been a jeans girl. Plus, the polka dot pattern feels a bit retro, doesn’t it? I’m so in love! I’ll even live with the way the pockets tend to fold up and out (this always happens with me and my thighs, what can ya do?).
Shirt: Tee fury | tank top, shorts, and sandals: Target | headband: Modcloth {similar}
Well, today is my husband’s 27th birthday, so this evening I hope to take him out to dinner, and then we’re going to take our Funyaks (like Kayaks… not even sure if that’s their real name, haha!) out on the water because it’s supposed to get super hot today. I’m excited! I love summer the best, for sure.
I hope you are all having a wonderful day!
And can you believe it’s July already? CRAZY.
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Camping is my #1 favorite style of vacation. I’m serious- I’d totally pick it over a spa resort! So happy it looks like you had a wonderful time.
And those shorts are adorable – they’re very little-red-riding-hood-grown-up!
<3 dani
Eccentric Owl
I agree, I think camping might be my favorite, too! It’s SO much fun.
Grace Dalton
I’ve never thought I looked good in shorts either, and just started wearing them regularly this summer and am in love. So happy to see you did an outfit post with them! Also, that shirt….the Disney and Who geek in me is dying. 😉
Ah, I recognized that “Doctor Who meets Disney” print. Super cute. My favorite though, is the Red Riding Hood/Bad Wolf one (maybe because Nine is, and always will be, my Doctor.)
Alexandra Marie
I seriously love camping- and you look adorable! Alex
Well, next time someone googles ‘how to look cute while camping’ they should totally get this post in the results. 🙂