Sweet dreams…
So can we talk for a minute about how absolutely amazing my husband’s photography is? I had no idea what he was doing when he snapped the above picture, and then we got back and I saw it and… man. Gorgeous. Totally worth having to walk through some water and feel awkward posing for.
And this is also a good lesson in “pose even when it feels awkward” because I often feel silly doing poses, but they nearly always look good on camera. So, you know. That’s one of the tricks of the trade, actually; the husband was listening to a podcast with Tom Hanks, and he was explaining how most things you would do naturally don’t actually look natural on camera, so you have to tweak them. And then it feels unnatural, but to the camera’s eye it looks good. This place is my favorite place ever! All of these sweet peas grow by the inlet close to where we live, and it’s just… dreamy. Sweet peas have always been one of my favorite flowers (truth be told, I pretty much look at any flower and go “Oh! That’s my favorite!” Any wildflower, anyway), and they are my birth month flower, so when we discovered that they grow rampant by the road not five minutes away, I was ecstatic! Every time we visit the beach, I pick a handful to bring back with me.
The ones I’m standing in front of actually grow down a bank that is only accessible when the tide is super low — if the tide had been high, I’d have been in water about waist-deep. But we were fortunate enough that the tide had gone out enough to snap these!
Every time we go out for pictures, I just can’t get over the beauty of our neighborhood! I would love to live out here permanently, but my husband doesn’t really like being as far away from everything as we are. Mostly because his truck is a huge gas-guzzler, and we aren’t as close to his parents as we’d like. (We live with my parents, which is great!)
We are currently saving up for a house, and I hope that once we’ve got enough for down payments and such, we can find a place that is happily between both parents, and in a good area. I’ve always loved the area where I grew up, which is a farm/hill country, and my husband likes it too. So I’m hoping we can eventually find a farmhouse that needs fixing and have our own space.
Of course, my dreams might be a little high for a first home, but hey. At least we know what we want! It might be a few years before we own something, though. I think the hardest thing for me is actually putting money away to save up for it, though — I have to have automatic transfers so that I don’t have to think about the money at all, or I forget or feel like we don’t have the money for it at the time. It’s silly, because we definitely have the money to put away a good chunk every month, but something always comes up, you know?
I’ve just got to buckle down and set it aside, and not worry about needing it elsewhere. This weekend made me realize how much I really want my own house, though! Not because I’m tired of living with my parents, because I love them, but because it’s just… nice. To have your own space to decorate.
And also, I’m tired of living in dark/windowless rooms.
Buying a house just seems so unattainable, though. It will happen someday, I know, but right now it’s just… such a far-fetched dream. We’re so blessed to be able to live with my parents so that we can save up easily!
Dress and sandals, Target | belt, thrifted | headscarf, grandma’s
I hope you all had a good weekend! Thank you for your support about my grandma’s passing; her funeral was overflowing with people whose lives she had touched. It was amazing; my birth-grandma came (my dad was adopted) as well as all of her kids who are in state, and there were literally people flowing out the doors, the service was so full. It was a wonderful celebration of her life as a godly woman. I’ve never been to a funeral so full of joy — bittersweet joy, but joy nonetheless.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
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Pam Cameron
Kristina, the first photo is stunning! I completely understand your house dreams and challenges. My husband has gone back to school until the end of the year, so my salary is what is keeping us going during this time, and it is hard to save extra with living in two different places, and 15K in tuition. Good luck, and I’m sure all will happen at the right time.
I feel your frustration with saving for your own home… sometimes I feel as if we’ll never have such a huge chunk of money saved!
But, you ARE blessed to have family to stay with – that’s a huge help. AND your husband is a super amazing photographer! That first photo is breathtaking… and the portraits are gorgeous. I don’t really have any camera-wielding friends close enough to me, so sometimes I get a little bummed that I can’t have photos of myself very often. You’re so lucky!!!
<3 dani
Grace Dalton
I love these shots and your dress – so pretty and summery! And your husband is great…that first shot is amazing!
Jamie Rose
You’ll get your house someday! I know what you mean about dark rooms though. My apartment was so dark all the time. Bright rooms are on my must-have list for wherever I live next!
Also these pictures turned out super pretty. I love how your dress compliments the flowery background.
Jamie | http://www.petitepanoply.com
Ali Hval
That first photo is absolutely GORGEOUS! Your husband really is an amazing photographer, and gosh, the rest of the photos are simply stunning, too. I can see why this is such a prime and favorite location of yours. I’m sure you’ll get your house with time and saving up enough of the monies. It would be very nice to have your own space, just so you can sort of plan around your own schedule and such, so I hope you can get that soon enough. 🙂
What a gorgeous dress and beautiful photos! My hubby and I also live with my parents and I am so grateful for it, we save so much money here but we also dream of moving out one day. I’m not sure when that’ll be, but hopefully when we do we find a perfect little house 🙂
I wish the same for you and your husband! 🙂
Mariah Alysz
These photos…I’m breathless! They are beyond gorgeous! Fantastic job. And you are looking stunning as usual.
Bárbara Rivera
you are stunningly beautiful and your husband is one heck of a photographer!
Yes indeed! The first picture turned out wonderful. Wow! I also love the ones with your face in the flowers. 🙂 Very pretty flowers, by the way. I understand why you love them!
Buying a house is such a headache! My husband and I are thinking about it, but the market in Montreal is so bad right now that, if we want something decent-sized for a future family of 4, we’re in for at least 15 years (which isn’t considered a lot these days, but sounds insane to me). Supposing he keeps working at his current job, which pays well but is also pretty stressful. The alternative is for me to take up a “real” job for which I’d get real wages, but I wish I didn’t have to do that until my children are old enough to go to school (and right now we’ve only got the first one!), so…
But then I think, we’re still young, God willing we have many more years to live, so if we take the first steps now, then surely we’ll achieve our goals in time to enjoy them aplenty. I’m very impatient by nature, but I’m starting to learn that not only do some things necessarily take time, but it often pays not to rush—so you can make the best informed decision.
Right now I’m actually partial to renting, if only for a few years, just so we can at least get more space and more light (we also live in a very dark apartment).
PS I rarely comment because I usually look at your blog on my tablet, but I’m still reading everything you post. My sincerest condolences for the loss of your grandma; your article about her was beautiful, as well as the pictures of her holding Asa. 🙂
Becca Lee
These photos are SO gorgeous. I can’t get over that first photo or all of these gorgeous flowers you’re posing with! I hope you can start putting some more dough away to buy a house. Having your own place is really wonderful.
Becca | Ladyface Blog
The first silhouette shot is ah-mazing! Love it! Those flowers are luscious, how blessed you are to have them so close. 🙂 Good luck with all of your future saving and house hopes!