
Mom Style: Leggings Are(n’t) Pants

Mom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | Mom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants |

So I was always firmly on the side of “leggings are not pants” argument. You can totally be more creative than that, I thought. Skirts are just as easy. Dresses are just one piece. Even jeans can be okay, when styled nicely. And for the longest time, I looked at girls who wore leggings for pants with a certain amount of fashion disdain. They were so not trying hard enough.

In my defense, most of the girls I see (except for bloggers) wearing leggings as pants tend to wear sheer leggings, leggings that are way too tight, and/or leggings that are just… not meant to be pants. I mean, I’ll be honest: I live in a town that really isn’t known for having a lot of style. Or class. There was a hostage situation at the Wal-Mart, for crying out loud. Mom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | www.eccentricowl.comMom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants |

So, you know. I was judgmental of most leggings-as-pants outfits I saw.

But then I got pregnant. And through pregnancy I only ever allowed myself to wear leggings as pants if I was sick and going nowhere. I would not, I vowed, be one of those moms who was totally lazy and didn’t get dressed in real clothes every day. I would totally not wear leggings out of the house as pants. That was the one vow of motherhood I made; I’ve never vowed my kid wouldn’t be “that kid” or I’d never do that one parenting thing you always swear you’ll never do… because I know kids, and kids will prove you wrong.

But leggings? Heaven forbid I ever wore those outside the house.

Enter Asa. And motherhood. And working from home. And having little reason to get out of yoga pants other than going grocery shopping — a reason that wasn’t always enough. Enter the life of tank tops and yoga pants being the normal daily outfit, because I needed to be comfortable enough to be sitting at work, or playing with Asa, and the top needed to be easy enough to breastfeed in. Mom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | www.eccentricowl.comMom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | Mom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | And I bring you this outfit having broken my vow to never wear leggings as pants… because I’m a mom, and being a mom gives you the right to wear reasonably thick and non-sheer leggings as pants if you darn well please. Because right now, I’m in a style funk and simply getting out of yoga pant and tank-top territory is a triumph. Because it’s getting cold, but not cold enough for tights all day, and I want to be comfortable and cute at the same time.

And because… you know what, I like the way these look as pants.

To all you girls that I silently judged for wearing leggings… I’m sorry. Except… please don’t wear muffin-top-inducing, sheer, ripped, pilled, torn-at-the-crotch leggings as pants. Because even in the freedom of style, that’s just… not attractive. So do yourself a favor and get some leggings that fit and aren’t see-through. Your body will love you for it.Mom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | www.eccentricowl.comMom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | www.eccentricowl.comI took my outfit pictures all by myself today, using the nice lens that is harder to focus when one has no camera remote, and I’m pretty pleased with them, actually! This is another area I want to work on; I love having my husband take my pictures, but some days I know I won’t get them after he gets off work… and with outfits like this he usually looks at me funny and goes “you want pictures of that?” because he has more standards than I do about what I post on my blog.

But I’m very much about being realistic, and this is what I’m wearing today. So this is what I post. Mom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | www.eccentricowl.comMom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants | www.eccentricowl.comMom Style: Leggings Are(n't) Pants |

Blouse (similar) c/o Oasap | Leggings and cardigan, Target | boots, JC Penney | Flower crown, made.

And I just gotta say, taking your own pictures… I had forgotten how much work it is. I was sweating by the end. Seriously. It was not pretty.

I hope you are all having a lovely week! Happy Thursday!

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  • Salazar

    I still prefer my pants with pockets and zippers, but my argument is: if your shirt covers your butt and your leggings are thick enough, then they’re passable as pants. Like in this lovely outfit of yours. But seriously? How is it that it’s fall already over there? We have two more months of summer to go!

  • Katie Redd

    Okay I’m all about leggings these days and you’ve got to check out Agnes and Dora. Just google it, they have amazing leggings, seriously so comfy!

  • Jessica

    I don’t wear leggings as pants, but that’s because I haven’t worn bought any thick enough that would be acceptable to wear. I hate when I see girls wearing thin see-thru leggings… not cute!! I don’t have a problem w/ leggings if they don’t “look” like leggings, do you know what i mean? I mean, obviously they LOOK like leggings but… haha okay!! I’m confusing myself (and probably you) so let me just stop talking. šŸ˜€

    I can’t believe you took these pics by yourself though, they look amazing! Love the outfit too šŸ™‚


  • Mom

    You make those leggings look like pants! I agree with you that people around here don’t know not to wear the tight, torn, see through kind, but you look great in those!

  • Mariah Alysz

    I had the same opinions of people who wore leggings as pants for *years* and then finally tried it out and felt just awful for all m silent judgement! As long as the power of leggings-as-pants isn’t abused, it’s an amazing thing!

  • Desarae

    This. This has got to be one of my favorite posts in a long time….you made me giggle, and I have to say, I LOVE your outfit, leggins and all!! I love the simple chicness of it…the colors on your tunic top (tunic tops are my fav) and that gorgeous, long draping golden yellow cardigan! Just so much to love. I am happy for so many reasons after drinking in your photos and words. šŸ™‚ I really, really like the way you are arranging your photos now in the post, and including other pictures of objects and surrounds! Keep it up!