
Gingham circle skirt, ice cream print, and a cherry on top

Gingham circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top | www.eccentricowl.comGingham circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top | I shared little snippets on Instagram when I was making this gingham circle skirt, and I have been dying to actually do an outfit post with it, because I love it. Even though I made a few mistakes and it’s kind of imperfect, I don’t care. It’s everything I hoped it would be!

This skirt was a test run for a circle skirt I plan to make from T.A.R.D.I.S. fabric I found at Joann’s (also I just saw this fabric, and now I need it too), because I really didn’t want to jump right in on expensive fabric, and I didn’t follow any online tutorials for making a circle skirt. I’m not a pattern follower, what can I say? I break rules.

Gingham circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top | www.eccentricowl.comGingham circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top | I haven’t decided whether I will be re-shooting the tutorial I shot as I made this skirt; since it was a test run, and since I didn’t follow any patterns, there were a few things I forgot to do (or didn’t do when I should have) that I’d like to rectify in the tutorial. Such as adding a pocket in the side where it buttons up, the order in which I sewed a few seams, and my choice of buttons for the side. They’re all small things that I’m really glad I discovered this time around so that my T.A.R.D.I.S. skirt can be perfect.

But even with mistakes, who doesn’t love a good gingham circle skirt? It is everything a girl could want in her retro wardrobe: twirly, doubles as a tablecloth (I have heard that joke SO MUCH ALREADY), has lace. I even added a somewhat twee heart pocket on the outside because… why not?Gingham circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top |

I might be addicted to making myself circle skirts now, though; now that I know how to make them and know that I don’t have to follow the rules online, which all tell me that you can’t actually make a knee length (to me) circle skirt on any width fabric because you have to keep the fabric folded and… I broke that rule.

And now that I know that pockets are not as scary as I thought they were, and that I can do things other than adding a zipper (which I hate) for closure options, I’m excited to make a few more!

Gingham circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top | Gingham circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top |

My posts might be sparse in the next week or two, though; about two weeks ago (I think I mentioned in my fitness post) I had what I thought was just a pulled muscle, but it turned out that my hips were so misaligned that my right leg was an inch shorter than my left. I dealt with the pain for two weeks, thinking it would just get better (muscle pain usually does, with stretching and massaging) but… no such luck. So I finally visited the chiropractor and got my out-of-place hip adjusted, but I still have some pretty messed up muscles in my hip. Which means I have to not walk around or lift or do anything that would stress those muscles as much as possible until they heal.DIY circle skirt, ice cream print tee, and a cherry on top |

Gingham circle skirt, self-made | top, c/o Oasap (old) | shoes, Modcloth | glasses, c/o Firmoo | headscarf, thrifted

I got in semi-trouble from my husband for even photographing this outfit. He is infinitely more concerned about my hip than I am (which is a good thing) and suggested that perhaps I shouldn’t do things to stress the muscles. Translated: no more outfit shoots until my hip is better. Which is good advice.

So, until I can walk without muscle pain, I’ll be limited to posting the tutorial I have ready, and Whole30/fitness (well, not fitness right now) updates.

I hope you are all having a fantastic week so far! It’s almost Friday!

P.S. I finally have a newsletter to send out, which will be a monthly recap of the most important posts + things I loved from other places, so if you want to be on the list to receive it and send me feedback, click here!


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  • Deborah

    I’m glad Mr. Owl is taking care of you. 🙂 I had mono this past Fall… I HATED IT and was so weak I could barely do anything, and my husband made me rest. I cannot even convey how frustrated I was… but it was for the best. We need to let them take care of us!
    Can’t wait for your tutorial!!! This skirt is SO cute.
    Rest, and feel better soon! You’ll have a little girl to style soon, and then you can go crazy with the outfit posts. 😉

    • Eccentric Owl

      He’s a good man! I would totally just push through and deal with pain but he very much encourages me to take it easy, which is nice! I feel loved. 😀 It sounds like your husband is the same way!

      Thank you!

  • Annick Breugelmans

    OMG this whovian is really curious to see the T.A.R.D.I.S. circle skirt when it’s done!

    • Eccentric Owl

      I cannot WAIT to get to that! I have to finish up a vest for my husband first, though; his rule is that I can’t make myself anything until I finish what I need to make for him… otherwise I never make him anything, ha!

  • Francesca

    Hello there, so sorry to hear about your hip, hope you feel better soon.
    Your skirt is just gorgeous, so fresh and pretty, you’re very talented.
    You’ll probably have seen this before,
    I know it’s very basic for your sewing skills but I thought when you went thrifting you might come across some large men’s Hawaiian /retro shirts that would be fab for this! Also you could use the off cuts to make matching headbands for you and your baby girl! Take care and rest lots. X

  • Marie McGrath

    Oh wao, I’m so sorry to hear about your hip, that sounds so painful 🙁 Please take it easy and get lots of rest, we will wait patiently for your return so there is no need to worry about that. On a side note, this outfit is TOO cute for words! The skirt you made is sooooooooo adorable (hello heart shaped pocket!) and the mix of prints is just genious!! LOVE this!

  • Heather Gwinn

    I’m late reading this but I hope you are doing better! I’m currently back in pt/ micro needling for my neck/ shoulder pain. I’m excited to finally get some much needed relief. I hope you’re finding relief too!

    This skirt is simply gorgeous! You did a fantastic job! I’m totally wowed by how well this turned out for a just winging it skirt. I’m basically the same way about sewing though.

    Can’t wait to see your future circle skirts!


  • JennyOH

    Everything about this outfit is so perfectly summery! I love it. Sorry to hear about your hip – pregnancy does a number on the body for sure. Hope you are feeling a bit better!

  • skye

    Somehow I didn’t get to comment when you first posted this (I kept telling myself I was going to, but life), but DANG WOMAN THIS IS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE THING YOU’VE EVER WORN. Well. Maybe not. I do love that perfect school-uniform dress. And the cherries one. But this is quite a contender.

    Honestly, one of my least favorite things about being ill or injured is not being able to dress up and take pictures. Getting fancy cheers me up on such a basic level, and not being able to rely on that is the worst. It makes the initial malady feel even worse. I hope you’re feeling better!