Baby and Parenthood,  Fashion

Mom on the Go | Outfit

Mom on the Go | www.eccentricowl.comΒ  Mom on the Go | www.eccentricowl.com12

Generally, when you search for mom-on-the-go style, a circle skirt is probably not on the list of items to wear. Yet, that’s exactly what I reach for first. The fullness makes it an easy item to move around in, lift, sit, run, whatever you need to do with kids. It also hides any random stains that might be made through the day (hello, ketchup), and can be easily styled with a tee and flats to make it a stylish outfit that is comfortable, practical, and retro.

The fabric of this skirt is moisture-wicking, too, which makes it even better for a mom outfit.

Today was the first time I’ve ever taken both kids with me to run errands. We went to McDonald’s for lunch, then to the pediatrician for Asa’s 2 year checkup and shots, and then to the store for some diapers and a few groceries. So I needed an outfit that was easy, but I also wanted to look put-together.

Mom on the Go | www.eccentricowl.comMom on the Go |

For some reason, I toss this shirt in my Goodwill pile every time I clean out my closet. The fabric is thin, and the shirt tends to ride up on my hips, so I always have second thoughts about keeping it. But then I rescue it, because it is soft, has long sleeves, and can be nursed in.Β  And the color is gorgeous. As you probably know, I love bright colors, and while blue is not usually my go-to color, I realized today that I have a headscarf in the exact color of this shirt, and these flats are basically in the same color family. They don’t match, but they go.

That’s a concept my mom (hi, mom!) has a hard time with. While I am okay with colors that aren’t super matching, but are generally complimentary to each other, my mom loves to match everything with everything. A few weeks ago she texted me a selfie wearing jewelry that didn’t match, and told me that it was very hard for her to not change out the necklace with something that matched her earrings. I told her I was so proud. And also laughing.

Mom on the Go | Mom on the Go |

Style wise, my mom and I are vastly different, yet somehow the same; I am super girly and always have been, while she grew up a tomboy. She loves paisley and tie-dye, I prefer polka-dots and gingham. I like to mix patterns and colors, she likes to match. She rarely wears makeup, I wear it almost every day.

But, before I was married and while I still lived with my parents, somehow we always inadvertently chose the same color schemes almost every day. Often, she’ll exclaim “I wore something like that in highschool!” and I dearly wish that the one or two items she’s saved from her highschool days would fit me (but she was shorter and thinner than I am, so alas!)

Mom on the Go |

Shirt, Target | Skirt, self-made | shoes, belt, brooch, and headscarf, thrifted | earrings, gift.

It’s interesting to me to see what I’ve inherited from my parents as I get older. I am social and talkative like my dad, yet introverted and need my own space like my mom. I have my dad’s lips, but my mom’s face. I bottle up my emotions like my dad (hi, dad), but also crave open communication like my mom.

And style? Well, I think I am most like my dad’s mom, who, at my age, wore the same types of skirts and easygoing but elegant outfits. Mom on the Go |

Grandma Helen on the left; my mom in 7th grade, my dad in his teens.

What did you gain from your parents? Or your grandparents? Funny enough, I am not blood related to my grandma — my dad was adopted. But I was born on her birthday, and I have always wanted to be like her. I hope one day I can be the woman of faith, kindness, and humor that she was!

Happy Wednesday!


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  • dani

    I love circle skirts and I ADORE gingham. I’ve been finding that I’m pulling a lot of my vintage skirts out of storage (from pregnancy) because a skirt and top is super easy to breastfeed in, and breastfeeding makes normal dresses kind of impossible right now.

    <3 dani

  • SaraLily

    Oh man my Bubbie (grandmother) is where I got my love for coordination. She always had the PERFECT earrings to match her outfit perfectly. Also, the perfect lipstick shade. She always had everything coordinated and I certainly do the same!! My mom loves my style, though she was never quite as outspoken in her outfit choices, but now that I am an adult, we both share a love for cute cardigans and sweaters. =)

    • Eccentric Owl

      It was okay! Asa is at the age where he is terrified of the Doctor (stranger danger, separation anxiety, etc) so he had two meltdowns at the doctor’s office, but lunch and the store went just fine. And Evie slept through all the craziness, which was SO nice.

  • nmettille

    You look so much like your mom! I don’t look anything like my mom at all and I really wish I could change that. But, personality wise, I’m all my mom and my grandma. They were clearly responsible for my upbringing.

    That skirt is nothing short of swoon worthy. Where did you get the fabric for it, if you don’t mind me asking?

    • Eccentric Owl

      I am really glad I look like my mom; I love it now when people tell me that!

      And even if you do look more like your dad, I think you are GORGEOUS. He must be very pretty. πŸ˜‰

      I got the fabric on sale at Joann’s! It was in their super clearance rack for like… I don’t even remember, maybe a dollar or less a yard? I always check clearance for stuff when I’m there, because I hate paying lots for fabric. My favorite place right now to find fabric is actually Goodwill — the one in my area has been having some great yardage for cheap!

      • nmettille

        Oh, man. I’ve never seen fabric at my goodwill. I adore how big that gingham print is! And with that little pocket, it reminds me of the Book of Deer 2015 spring/summer country kitchen collection. A brand I can neither afford nor fit into hahaha but, spend way too long mooning over. I might just have to hunt some of this fabric down and make myself one. If you don’t mind me copying you haha.

  • Mom

    I love you, Sweetie! You always look so gorgeous and put together. When I saw the first picture, I thought “those shoes don’t match”! You also get your put togetherness from my Mom. She won’t go out without her hair done and her lipstick on. I probably got my tomboyishness trying not to be like her, since I was always told I was just like her and wanted to be myself! I’m stubborn that way : ) I’m so glad you look like me and I know just how my Mom felt when people would say you look just like your mom. I wish I were more like you and thought it was a compliment instead of always wanting to be myself. I am proud to look like my Mom, now, but had to grow into that. Love you!

    • Eccentric Owl

      I love you too! Haha! You and your matching.

      I also apparently am starting to be more like you in the kitchen. The other day I was cleaning up while Nehemiah was cleaning and I had put away all the things he was using. πŸ˜€

  • Emily

    “They don’t match, but they go.” Ha! I say this ALL THE TIME. Some people will just look at you like you’re nuts, but some people GET IT. I love what you had to say about what you get from your parents – I can definitely see both of their faces in yours!