
Literary Junkie and Star Wars| Outfit

Literary Junkie and Star Wars | Literary Junkie and Star Wars |

My husband and I try hard to take date nights at least once a week. In reality, it’s more like once every two or three weeks, but… we try. I think it’s really important for parents to take time away from kids; it’s so easy to get wrapped up in how adorable those little beings are, how chubby and squishable and lovable, and it’s almost habit to wrap your lives around them. After all, they do depend on you for absolutely everything. But I believe putting my husband above my kids is important; I love them, but he’s the one I plan to be stuck with for life. 😉

Anyway! At the end of last month, we left the kids with grandma and went to see Star Wars one last time before it left theaters, and of course I had to wear my Star Wars skirt. As we walked into the theater, I felt like the ultimate stereotypical fangirl. Colorful hair, glasses, themed clothing, and two nerdy items in one outfit. Could I get any more comic con typical?

Literary Junkie and Star Wars | Literary Junkie and Star Wars |

And I’m okay with it. I mean, my husband and I have a podcast about the LOTR novels. There’s no way I can hide the nerdiness.

I’ve never really actually considered myself a nerd, though I often jokingly call myself nerdy. I feel like that’s a title awarded to only the truly devoted, the comic-book-collecting, movie-hoarding, watched-avengers-fifty-times-in-theater types who have an amazing knowledge of all the intimate details of every superhero or fandom ever. I’ve never felt quite good enough to be a nerd.

Literary Junkie and Star Wars |

I think rather, I dip my toes in. I have an unabashed love for Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Doctor Who, and Sherlock, and don’t mind getting wrapped up in the Marvel and DC universes. I used to read Wolverine comics as often as I could get my hands on them, and have a few still floating around my house. I’m always game to watch Harry Potter. And, okay, I used to pretend to be Arwen or a hobbit as I ran through the woods growing up.

But I’m no expert. I could do a pretty good cosplay if I wanted to, but that speaks more of my determination to make things look right than it does my knowledge of any one fandom.

Literary Junkie and Star Wars | www.eccentricowl.comLiterary Junkie and Star Wars |

I think more than anything, I am a literary junkie. Give me a book, I will read it. Graphic novels, I’ll devour. Comics, I’ll whip through. If it has words, I’m on it! I mean, though I had a crush on Curly from a young age (and still), Mr. Rochester was my first real love in a fictional form. I don’t really remember who came first. But I have noticed that most of my own writing takes note from Jane Eyre. I like the Rochester-esque characters. That mystery and sadness and passion really appeals to me.

Literary Junkie and Star Wars |

Shirt, boots, and belt, thrifted | necklace, gift | tights, Target | skirt, self-made

What are you? Are you a literary junkie, a comic book nerd, or a movie know-it-all? My husband is definitely the latter. There isn’t a film or TV show that he hasn’t heard of and doesn’t know a lot about. (Unless it’s before the 80’s. That’s where his knowledge gets fuzzy. Like, he thought upon first hearing the name — when I asked if he knew who it was — that Cary Grant was a girl. Sigh.)

Happy Friday!


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  • Kadi

    I definitely agree about putting your spouse before your children! But as much as my intentions are there, its so much more difficult said than done. We’ve been “out” once since my 2 year old was born and that was last New Year’s Eve. I hope its enough for now that I want to put him first!
    I consider myself a Star Trek The Next Generation fan. I’m not knowledgeable enough about all of the shows to call myself an actual Trekkie, but Data was my first love. I also love to read. But I don’t find much time to read actual physical books, so I have been listening to audiobooks for several years while I’m at work. I actually listened to Me, Before You right around the time you posted you review for it. I used to shun it, but now I look for “chick lit” to listen to. I am much more likely to pay attention while listening if its dramatic and full of dialogue. Its much harder for me to pay attention to audiobooks of the detail oriented novels I loved previously like Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire while trying to multitask. I miss so much as my mind wonders.

  • nmettille

    I never considered myself anything close to a nerd until I married one and he rubbed off on me. But, truthfully, I really don’t fall into any subcultures as I am much too eclectic; bouncing from one thing to another in many different genres. I envy people that have a culture they can feel at home though.

  • Emily

    I was just thinking about this stuff the other day! Like you, I have always felt like I wasn’t up on all the details enough to consider myself a true nerd or geek of any particular genre. But I love Star Trek and Star Wars (I definitely know a lot more about Star Trek and have seen every episode of … everything, multiple times over), as well as Dr. Who. And as a kid, I used to swear I hated reading sci-fi until I discovered Ray Bradbury, which was right up my alley with his florid / vivid use of descriptive language. So I can definitely relate to what you’re saying! I like my sci-fi with a bit of fun in it, not too serious, and I’m definitely not “serious” about it, to me it’s just fun and entertainment.

  • SaraLily

    Definitely identify with a literary junkie or music junkie, which is funny because as an English major, the literature courses I had to take were TORTURE and I am awful at writing papers. BORING! Haha!