
Pinup Belle || Costume

Pinup Belle | kristinasuko.comPinup Belle |

Tale as Old as Time

Happy Halloween! Ever since I was Cinderella last year, I knew that this year I wanted to try to put together a Belle costume. I have loved Beauty and the Beast since I was four years old; it came out that year, and it was because of Beauty and the Beast that my parents really discovered I have some talent in music. I played “Tale as old as Time” by ear at four on the piano, which signaled to them that I really should be put into music lessons.

So you could say Beauty and the Beast has literally affected my life. I had a few years of piano lessons (until we moved around so much we could no longer afford it) that pushed me into loving and writing music as a hobby, and of course… books. It is slowly dawning on me that my favorite literary and fairytale characters are all very bookish.

Pinup Belle |

Now, I am not actually going to be Pinup Belle tonight for trick-or-treating, as my husband has a full Indiana Jones costume and he convinced me to go as Marian. But at least in my dreams, I am Belle! After I saw this dress on Amazon, I knew I had to try. I am not super happy with my hair, as it was too damp outside and the curls fell flat, but ah well! I have time to perfect it. Pinup Belle | kristinasuko.comPinup Belle |

And, it’s raining buckets and is supposed to rain all day, so I don’t think walking around in a costume like this would really have worked out well.

Did any of you have fun Halloween parties to attend? Every year, I think “maybe I’ll host a party!” because I adore throwing parties, but then life passes by too fast and all of the sudden it’s the last day of October and I’m still planning my costume. Ha! The only reason I got this Pinup Belle costume together is that I found the dress months and months ago. I’ve been saving it to wear especially for this post.

Pinup Belle | kristinasuko.comPinup Belle |

I still hope to improve the costume; maybe get a real petticoat instead of just wearing a tulle skirt beneath, and find some better roses for my hair (and perfect the curls more, ha!) but oh… dreams really do come true!

Pinup Belle | Pinup Belle |

I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!

Dress, Amazon | tights, Amazon | gloves, gift/free | shoes and brooch, thrifted | earrings, vintage
Pinup Belle |



