My Milkshakes Bring In a Nutshell Blog to the Yard
Dangerfield Milkshakes
As you all saw about a month ago, Sara Lily came into town! We of course took advantage of her presence to take multiple photoshoots, and I wish we had had time to get more because. I love this girl. As you’ll see in these pictures, it is neverending fun with her! This time around, we decided to coordinate our Dangerfield pieces – her, in a milkshake dress, and me in my milkshake skirt. We both got these items around the same time, and it just had to happen!
I wish I could take all of my photoshoots with Sara. We had the best time, and it made me feel a bit less self-conscious to have her by my side, both of us mugging for the camera.
It also made shots like the above possible… for the most part! I was wearing a corset for the photos, and to get the above picture, had to lay on my back on a stump with my feet in the air. Thankfully, there was a building behind me to cover any indiscreet flashing I may have done, but oh my. There was a lot of huffing and puffing and groaning. Let me tell you, laying on a stump with your feet in the air while wearing a corset and a skirt and a vintage hat… it’s not easy.
But it was worth it!
Working Together
Sara also helped me figure out how to better take photos with other people. You know, when you’re in a group photo and you have no idea what to do with yourself? That’s me literally any time I try taking photos with others. But Sara is a pro, and kept her composure even when I could not.
Well. Most of the time.
We made quite the spectacle while taking photos, I know; at one point, a woman came up and said we should go pose by an old car that was in the parking lot. But by the time we left, it was gone, and we didn’t get to see what she was talking about. We got plenty of stares from moms and dads and kids, since we were at a park, and lots of smiles too.
I hope she comes back really soon. Don’t forget to go visit her blog on Thursday, when she shares her side of the photos! And just visit her blog anyway, because she is a fantastic woman and she deserves all the love!
On me: thrifted top, vintage hat, Dangerfield Milkshakes skirt, Seychelles shoes, thrifted/vintage accessories 
One Comment
Yes, yes, we’re the cutest – I cannot wait to have more photo shoots with you!!