
Pink Blush in the Springtime

Pink Blush in the Springtime | kristinasuko.comPink Blush in the Springtime |

Spring has finally started to show its head here in the sleepy little harbor where I live! Although I must admit, I drove around for about 45 minutes trying to convince myself to stop and shoot photos on this sidewalk that runs along the main road through the harbor. It was rush hour, right when most people are out and about getting drinks after work, looking for a place to dine, or generally window-shopping around town. While I am generally used to the curiosity of onlookers when I go out to do outfit photoshoots, I’ve never taken my photos in so blatantly a public place before.

But for this gorgeous maternity dress from Pink Blush, I knew I had to find a location with flowers.

Pink Blush sent me this dress of my choice for review. All opinions are my own!
Pink Blush in the Springtime | kristinasuko.comPink Blush in the Springtime |

I really wanted to do this dress justice in photos, because it is simply gorgeous. I was a little hesitant at first to choose white — being a mother who prefers easy care clothes, as it is — but the floral called my name! And I’m so glad I took the chance. This dress is every bit as comfortable and flattering as it is beautiful, and thankfully it’ll be easy enough to wash and spot clean if I happen to get stains on it. And every time I’ve worn it — as I’ve had the dress about a week and worn it at least 3 times already — I get so many compliments. I’m falling more and more in love with Pink Blush every time I wear any of the things I’ve gotten from them; they’re pro at creating pretty, comfortable clothing for women whether you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or simply want cute comfy clothes.

It’s one of those dresses that you can so so easily dress up or down depending on what you’re doing. I 100% intended to make this a casual photoshoot, but then this cape happened, and I noticed how perfectly this vintage pillbox hat matches the flowers on the dress, and, well, as things go I was suddenly dressed to the nines. I seem to do that more often than not when I’m choosing outfits!  Pink Blush in the Springtime |

But, I am thinking about finally snagging some maternity jeans and if that’s something you all want to see — how I’d style a casual jeans outfit — I will certainly do my best! It’s funny, as much as I feel comfortable wearing dresses and skirts, I am always a bit at a loss to style pants. I’ve been in such a habit of always wearing a skirt, and jeans come along and I don’t know what to do with the difference of those proportions!

Pink Blush in the Springtime | kristinasuko.comPink Blush in the Springtime | kristinasuko.comPink Blush in the Springtime | Pink Blush in the Springtime |

While I was taking these photos, several people stopped to chat, and nobody seemed to think it was odd that I was taking photos of myself. I always wonder what goes through peoples’ minds when they stumble upon my photo-taking spot, but the foremost question on everyone’s tongue this weekend was:  how are you wearing those heels?

Well, actually, it was “when are you due” and then “is it twins?” but after that, how am I wearing heels? I had to admit that I brought myself a pair of flat shoes to walk around in, and only wear these for short periods of time. While these heels (which I found on Amazon!) are quite comfortable and I can walk in them for at least an hour, it always feels a bit precarious to do so while pregnant! And as you can see by my scraped up knee, a lesser heel was enough to send me tumbling over thanks to a misstep on debris in our driveway.

Pink Blush in the Springtime | kristinasuko.comPink Blush in the Springtime |

But comfort-wise, I still find it relatively easy to walk in heels that have ankle straps, are booties, or are platforms. As long as the shoes are sturdier in construction, I don’t find height to be too challenging. Yet. But given  the sudden onset of several third-trimester aches and pains, this may have been my last foray in any heel over 2″.

I’m still in shock that in approximately three months I’ll be having my third child. It seems like this pregnancy has been so very short; I’m only just starting to feel pregnant. And yet here we are, third trimester, less than three months left, and soon we’ll find out if this little one is a boy or a girl, if he or she takes after myself or my husband, and how my heart can possibly expand that much more. I’ve been feeling all of the  kicks and stretches and rolls extra hard lately — this one is a kicker for sure! — and I’m so excited to meet our newest family member.

June can’t come fast enough!

Dress c/o Pink Blush | heels, Amazon | hat, vintage (similar here) | earrings, gift from Ruby | cape, vintage made by my great-aunt (similar here and here) | lipstick, Rimmel | collar pins, vintage

Pink Blush in the Springtime |