
The Elephant in the Room

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This weekend is Nehemiah’s and my sixth wedding anniversary! Since it has been a secret, as I planned where we are going and he has no idea, I have to admit I haven’t really given much thought to a detailed itinerary of what we will do during this weekend. I have a vague overview of the points I’d like to hit while we’re gone, but I haven’t planned outfits, nor figured out a day-by-day plan to see everything I want to see while we are there. But today and tomorrow will be packing-and-planning for the weekend, and hopefully I don’t forget anything! It’s kind of been our own little elephant in the room, so to speak; we can’t really chat about our anniversary because it’s been a surprise for my husband what we’re doing. I’m not sure if I like this whole secrecy thing. Ha!

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Top, thrifted (similar here) | Skirt, Amazon | Shoes, thrifted (similar) | beret, gift (similar here and here) | belt, Amazon | tights, We Love Colors | brooch, vintage (similar here) | earrings, vintage (similar) | shop my Amazon favorites!

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I am really looking forward to having the weekend to explore, though. We did just take a long weekend to go to Sara’s wedding (and you can see that video on YouTube here!) but that weekend was such a whirlwind and we didn’t get much time to just wander. One of my favorite things to do on mini-vacations is wander. No strict time limits. There are a few places we HAVE to visit purely because I want to, but nothing pressing. I hope we can relax, spend time together, and just… enjoy life. I can’t believe we’ve been married for six years already! Sure, we have three kids, but it doesn’t feel like we’re closer to ten years than one.  Elephants (32 of 39)Elephants (5 of 39)c2Elephants (37 of 39)

Going out for photos on this particular day proved to be more of a challenge than I expected. First of all, I lost part of my remote shutter release, and decided to plow on without it. After all, I blogged for seven years without one, and know by now how to work the camera without needing the remote shutter release. Then, I decided to use my 50mm f/1.8 lens for many of the shots, which, without a remote shutter release to help focus via autofocus, is even trickier. And on top of that, the first two locations I tried just didn’t suit this outfit like I’d imagined. Finally, I settled on this pretty little tucked-away spot where the rosebushes still cling to their fall colors and the view of the harbor is easily accessed.

Living in a semi-touristed town myself, it’s often hard to find spots that aren’t full of people. I have taken photos along one of the main sidewalks before, but I avoid it when I can! The harbor is quite pretty and on days when there’s no rain there are almost always people walking, even late in the day. But this overlook, which I believe is part of some office buildings, is usually empty. I’m not sure why. Perhaps because it’s at the end of the harbor walk, or many people don’t think to look this way as all the shops are on the other side of the street. Whatever the case, it proved to be a lovely spot for photos and once I got over all of the obstacles, taking photos was quite quick. And had to be, as it was nearly sunset! Elephants (34 of 39)Elephants (39 of 39)Elephants (10 of 39)I hope you all have fun plans for this weekend! And if you celebrate Christmas, what do you plan to do?

Top, thrifted (similar here) | Skirt, Amazon | Shoes, thrifted (similar) | beret, gift (similar here and here) | belt, Amazon | tights, We Love Colors | brooch, vintage (similar here) | earrings, vintage (similar) | shop my Amazon favorites!

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