
Wearing Pastels in the Winter

Cattails (14 of 46)Cattails (30 of 46)Owning an Etsy shop always presents a problem when I get the idea to model my own stock. This dress, for instance, is not a dress I was planning to keep. It’s not breastfeeding friendly, I rarely wear pastels or browns, the silhouette is not something I ever reach for, and if we’re being honest it’s probably better suited for someone a size down from me. And yet… I styled it with this cape (which has been a constant of mine through the years!) and fell in love again. I never would have thought I’d be styling pastels in the winter, but here we are!

I have noticed lately that I am finally (after nine…? years of blogging) starting to dress seasonally in color, and I quite like it! My tastes these days range more toward dark jewel tones and neutrals and (gasp!) solids, so it was fun to take this spring-colored dress and make it wintery with a dark cape and neutral boots. I kept a little bit of spring in the straw hat, and went with a beautiful carved brooch to add a little bit more interest around the neck!

Perhaps if it doesn’t sell soon, I’ll style this dress for spring and see what else I can do with it!

Cattails (33 of 46) Dress, for sale on Etsy! | Boots, Amazon | hat, vintage (similar) | Brooch, vintage (similar) | cape, old (similar) | Camera, vintage (here’s another)

Cattails (46 of 46)Cattails (8 of 46)Cattails (25 of 46) Today is Asa’s fifth birthday, and I’m having a hard time believing I’ve got a five year old! It feels like just yesterday that he was born, yet here he is now a giant who knows how to work Minecraft better than I do and who could sing you every theme song from every cartoon at the drop of a hat.

I don’t quite feel prepared for having a child who now does school (and is starting to read), who has a voracious curiosity and never stops asking questions — many of which I don’t know how to answer. As much as I want to say our days are spent being creative, discovering new things, teaching him life lessons, and being Pinterest-perfect, I have to be honest. I often look him up videos on YouTube to answer his questions, and utilize Minecraft as a world-building activity for his creative mind. They watch cartoons probably more than they should (he knows how to find all of his favorites, without me, often on the sly), and I am trying to get a better daily routine in place but right now it’s nonexistent.

Still, Asa has grown into a little boy that I’m so very proud of. He’s incredibly smart, silly, caring, creative, and sensitive. He gives me hugs when I cry, and tries to be gentle with his baby sister. He (sometimes) shares his toys with Evie, although that’s getting harder these days. Right now, we have begun the process of doing chores to save up for toys he wants. And, our relationship has begun to smooth out. We often butt heads, both being stubborn and having quick tempers, but I’m learning to be more patient and we’re learning together how to problem-solve rather than get upset. I’m so proud of his willingness to learn and to be kind.

Showing off his new watch, sweatshirt, and bootsCattails (6 of 46)Cattails (45 of 46)Cattails (29 of 46)Boots and SleevesDress, for sale on Etsy! | Boots, Amazon | hat, vintage (similar) | Brooch, vintage (similar) | cape, old (similar) | Camera, vintage (here’s another)Cattails (28 of 46)