
Longing for Fall || feat Donna London Vintage

Fall-5Fall-27  As we wait for our  move-in date to finalize, Washington weather is beginning to slowly turn into fall, and I am so looking forward to everything autumnal! This dress from Donna London Vintage immediately sparked a vision of orange tones and crispy leaves and pumpkin-hunting. So I threw on my favorite straw hat, a cozy orange blanket scarf, and found the most fall location I could. Which, to be honest, wasn’t very fall till I got into editing and a little color tweaking made a huge difference! We have some fall leaves, but nearly everything is green here still and the weather is pleasantly warm at 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fall-18 Dress, c/o Donna London Vintage (similar) | scarf, Amazon (similar) | Hat, Cluckey’s Closet (similar) | earrings, vintage (similar) | shoes, Modcloth (similar)

Fall-11Fall-30 I am really excited to be collaborating with Donna London Vintage. One of her goals is to provide affordable vintage much like I do, so that nobody feels as though they just can’t afford it. I loved that she chose things she thought I would like, and while this dress isn’t something I would have chosen for myself, once I got it on and styled I fell completely in love! It has pockets, what’s not to love? The collar detail is really beautiful, and the wrap top means I can breastfeed in it! I can’t wait to share the two other dresses she sent me – one has the swishiest skirt I’ve ever worn and I’m so eager to wear it!

Fall-23Fall-21Fall-14Now if it would only stop raining, as our fall weather is wont to do.

This season I am feeling a slight shift in my style, as I always do. I’ve always loved a true late 40’s/early 50’s look, but I also love quirky things. I just bought a fox-ears beret, and now I’m brainstorming the many ways I can wear it; with a more modern Lindy Bop brocade dress, or with a true vintage fall-toned frock; I’ve realized while I admire and adore women who commit entirely to the strictly vintage “look” (that “you literally look like you stepped out of a Grace Kelly movie” look) I am just not one of those people. I have tried time and time again to be that girl, but let’s be honest: I’m too busy and too unmotivated to do my hair daily, and I’m too interested in a mix of fashion to only wear 40’s and 50’s things. Though my closet is bursting with true vintage, I still love my modern dresses too!

And I have noticed that my style flows with each season. Spring is my softest season, the most true to vintage as it’s easiest to wear simple vintage dresses and have nicely done hair. Summer is for a modern take, pinup if you will, when it’s too hot to wear my curls down and I’m too active to stress potentially weak seams in vintage dresses. Fall is for a bit more quirkiness; 50’s that merges into 70’s with a dash of fairytale in my accessories. Winter is for warmth and layers, true vintage in warm fur coats with a dash of the pinup look as I hide my hair in scarves.

I aspire to pull more and more fairytale into my style these days, because I think a fairytale-vintage look really emulates who I am. I likely won’t pursue vintage hair for a while as I grow my hair longer, but perhaps I’ll take a page from Rebecca’s curling book instead! I adore how her long hair melds with her style and adds that extra bit of dreaminess to it all.

What does your style do throughout the year? Does it flow and change with the seasons, or stay the same?

Dress, c/o Donna London Vintage (similar) | scarf, Amazon (similar) | Hat, Cluckey’s Closet (similar) | earrings, vintage (similar) | shoes, Modcloth (similar)