• Life,  Thoughts


    I know a lot of people don’t really put stock into resolutions. My husband doesn’t. Some people feel as though making resolutions is useless, because you just fail anyway. But I like resolutions.…

  • Life


    Yesterday I created a reader survey for y’all to help me improve my blog in 2015, and I realized something: I’ve been so focused on wearing a dress every day that I’ve been…

  • Fashion,  Life

    Pacific Northwesterners

    Today, I quit my job. I know that sounds crazy after I’ve admitted we’re pretty broke, but… we’ll live. We’ve been scraping by for two months on just my husband’s paycheck, so I…

  • Fashion,  Life

    Filmmaking and Ladybirds

    I’m going to start this post off with something different than normal, because I’m too excited about it to put this at the end: So this is the film we made for this…