Learning to Let Go
A few days ago, I was feeling especially sad about my weight gain. You see, I had just finally come to terms with the fact that my absolute favorite vintage coat was never…
Comfortable Vintage Clothing || Simplicity Dress-Ups
This dress has the cutest label. It is called a “Simplicity Dress-Up” and I wish I could find more out about the label! So far all my google searches only bring up dress…
A Short History of Lane Bryant
My friend Laci Fay sent me this vintage Lane Bryant dress. It belonged to one of three sisters who owned a house together and never got rid of anything. Each sister had a…
An Honest Talk about Weight
If anyone needs a little warning that this post contains some honest body image talk, here it is. I talk about my weight gains and surrounding factors and some struggles I have with…
All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go || Pandemic Style
Lately, I have been feeling like a blob. You see, I thought that the Pandemic had not really affected us much — what, with me being a stay-at-home mom, us having shared a…