• Fashion

    October 1st

    I really, really wanted to do a first of October post, and it looks like I am just barely making it! I tried today, really I did, haha! But Asa is teething, and…

  • Fashion

    A New Way to Wear a Scarf

    I just got five beautiful new silk scarves from a recent garage-sale-ing trip, and I have been wracking my brain for new ways to wear them, so that I can showcase the gorgeous…

  • Fashion

    May Day

    I am writing this post from outside. I mean. I cannot believe the weather this week! It’s been absolutely gorgeous, and very summery even though I feel like we just started spring! And…

  • Fashion

    Penguins and Diamonds

    We are almost finished moving! I’m so happy to be pretty much over with the hardest part; now all we have left is to transfer those last little bits and pieces, clean up…