Friday Links
{Thrifted}: dress (9.99) and cardigan ($5.99); {Target}: Shoes (old); {Made} Necklace (who knows…) Since I missed a post yesterday (due to the fact that these pictures were on Mr. Owl’s camera at his…
It’s beginning to look a lot like… Christmas?
Today’s outfit inspiration comes to you from the ever lovely Annebeth of Styling Dutchman. She is one of my absolute favorite fashion bloggers, and I can always find inspiration when I read her…
The Lumberjack and the Lady
Well, hello there. I’m not sure if I’m officially “back” yet, since it’s not 2012 and life continues to be unexpected, but I’ll be trying to blog whenever I have a minute (like…
Don’t be blue.
I just got back from picking up my friend from the airport. She’ll be with me for a week, so posts will be sparse. And we’re watching a movie. So I’m not…
I buy childrens’ books because I am cool like that.
Other things that make me cool: 1.) This hat. You are jealous of this hat. And if you aren’t, then you should be. 2.) My ability to make you a coffee in one…