• Fashion

    A little hiatus.

    I won’t be able to blog again until Monday, as I’m going camping this weekend and tomorrow is going to be hectic… and I wasn’t able to take any pictures of  my outfit…

  • Fashion

    Still as sweet

    I’m not usually one to be inspired by fashion blogs. I mean, I love reading them, and I’m always prompted to dress well when I see other people dress well, but before today,…

  • Fashion

    Blue and Owls

    I took a lot of pictures today… Outfit details: Shirt, unknown; Skirt, $4; Shoes, $5; Belt, $0.99; Earrings, $8 Approximate outfit cost: $18 (we’ll say $25 to give room for the shirt.)

  • Fashion

    Pink Leather Owls

      So today’s outfit, is THE LAST OF THE ALPHABET CHALLENGE!!! Sorry. I tried very, very hard to be lazy and wear jeans. Really, I did.  I mean, I was lazy with my…

  • Fashion

    W is for White

    Can you believe that the main parts of of this outfit were thrifted? The trench coat is from Goodwill ($8), the dress is from a local thrift shop ($5), and the belt is…