Flowers and Stripes
This outfit makes me very happy for three reasons: 1. pattern mixing. I love me some patterns. 2. it’s very feminine. I’m kind of a girly-girl. In case you hadn’t noticed. 3. I…
A dream is a wish your heart makes…
The outfit pictures are back! Slightly crazier than before… My cat, by the way, is not interested in getting kisses. She is, however, very interested in getting down and away from the…
Blue and Owls
I took a lot of pictures today… Outfit details: Shirt, unknown; Skirt, $4; Shoes, $5; Belt, $0.99; Earrings, $8 Approximate outfit cost: $18 (we’ll say $25 to give room for the shirt.)
We’ll just have to settle for LOOKING intellectual.
So, I had a whole post planned today; I was going to write about… writing. But then something happened. Something crazy and expected but still exciting. So you’re going to have to wait…
I couldn’t think of a good title. So I made faces instead.
It is a beautiful day out today! The sun is glorious and warm, there are flowers blooming, and I could go sit outside all day. And get very sunburnt. But as it so…