Saturday’s Fashions
I nearly forgot to do a blog post today, because my mom’s 50th birthday party was today… and I was in charge of that. By the end of it, I was literally tired…
It had something to do with vampire that I don’t remember or care about.
So.. a book review. This is actually a novella, and I realized that another Twilight book review is due- as I wanted to knock them off once a month. Instead of… whatever the…
Why yes, I did stick my cupcake in a tree.
This might be my official blog post for today, even though I’d planned to do a book review. We’ll see how the day goes. I wanted to show you the finished cupcakes (previewed…
You’re my cuppycake. And I shall eat you.
I made cupcakes today. They’re made with fructose, which means I can eat them. The frosting is sugar-free. Tomorrow is a Valentines Day Tea Party with all of my girl cousins, and I…
Oh. Em. SQUEE!!! (Yes, that is a very juvenile expression. No, I don’t care what you think)
Once again, I haven’t finished reading the book I’m going to review. Then again, I didn’t actually get the book until yesterday, so… y’know. I promise I will review it by the end…