These are a few of my favorite things
There was a really lovely breeze yesterday, so I decided to haul some of my favorite wardrobe pieces and accessories outside to take some pictures and share with you a few of my…
Oh, hey. It’s a book review!
Firstly, I just have to say that I really like the cover. It’s so pretty… Actually, I suppose I should probably explain my absence and no post yesterday- I had… a sick. Not…
I’m just a rebel like that.
I haven’t finished my book yet (I’ll try not to let this become a habit), and my laptop is going wonky again, so today is going to be journal day… due to the…
Prognosticating. (Not really. It’s just fun to say.)
the horizon Originally uploaded by brookeshaden Weekly Writing Challenge One entry this week! There would have been two, but I was a slacker and I have yet to finish mine. Maybe later today?…