Lazy Sunday
I’m going to rearrange Sundays a bit to include music, and… just to be more relaxed. Sundays are the day when I unwind (unless I have to work), and I always feel like…
Owl love you forever
Happy Saturday! I’m still trying to figure out a good format for the fashion posts. I feel like I need to introduce them, sort of, so that y’all know what will be going…
Goals and Polls
So I’m sitting here with no makeup, wet hair that’s currently falling out of a bun, in a dress and tights, and with only one shoe on. That should give you a picture…
Wherein I rant, procrastinate, and pretend to be a spy.
I was going to try to have my Monster With a Scarf illustrations done and up today, but I got called in to work last-minute yesterday and thus have only one illustration done……
Ding, dong, the witch is dead!
Uuugggh. Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest. I would do a short premise, but… I can’t. There’s too much going on in the book. So in short, it’s about the…