Owls on parade
This was one of those days where I felt extremely lazy when I woke up, and I wanted to wear my new red pants. So I didn’t shower, I wore the makeup I’d…
30 Days of Dresses: Playing Favorites
This is what I wore for my birthday. I nearly chose to wear a skirt instead and take a break from the dress challenge, but then I remembered my favorite dress, and how…
Friday Links
{Thrifted}: dress (9.99) and cardigan ($5.99); {Target}: Shoes (old); {Made} Necklace (who knows…) Since I missed a post yesterday (due to the fact that these pictures were on Mr. Owl’s camera at his…
When life is interrupted.
You have probably noticed by now that when I plan things, they usually don’t happen quite on schedule. Like the writing challenge blog that is supposed to be updated every Monday… but I…