This Beautiful Life
I just recently came across a blog full of such beautiful word imagery — describing daily life, but in a whimsical, aching, enraptured way — that I have been rethinking the way I…
The Nerdy Mom
Today, we are going to the drive-in movies on a date, without Asa — we usually take him with us and only stay for the first movie — and as I mentioned, we’re…
A New Way to Wear a Scarf
I just got five beautiful new silk scarves from a recent garage-sale-ing trip, and I have been wracking my brain for new ways to wear them, so that I can showcase the gorgeous…
6 Tips for Taking Good Outfit Photos On Your Own
A few days ago, one of my lovely long-time readers asked what my secrets are for taking good outfit pictures on my own. Most of you probably know that half the time I…
The Impossible Girl
So one of my friends posted a link to this awesome cosplayer on Facebook this morning, and after seeing one of the cosplayer’s Clara Oswald cosplays, I decided… today, I had to be…