30 Days of Dresses: It doesn’t get any girlier than this.
I don’t think I have worn this much pink… ever. Since I was a kid. Pink has never been amongst my favorite colors, possibly because it’s hard to find a good pink for my…
Friday Links
{Thrifted}: dress (9.99) and cardigan ($5.99); {Target}: Shoes (old); {Made} Necklace (who knows…) Since I missed a post yesterday (due to the fact that these pictures were on Mr. Owl’s camera at his…
30 Days of Dresses: For rainy days.
Because of the 30 Days of Dresses challenge, I’ve postponed my usual Midweek Inspiration post. That, and I haven’t been reading blogs as faithfully as I usually do this week, so I didn’t…
30 Days of Dresses: and I look like a pumpkin.
You can’t really tell in these pictures, but this dress has the tendency to make me look pregnant. That, and the way I stand when someone’s taking a picture of me- I try…
30 Days of Dresses: Day One.
It’s time to start 30 Days of Dresses! I meant to start mine on Saturday, but then Mr. Owl and I went on a hike. And I haven’t mastered the art of hiking…