
Mixed Up

white Goodwill skirt - turquoise blue tights - blue wal-mart shirt - black Goodw

This is the first time in a while that I’ve tried mixing up a bunch of different patterns.

It’s also the first time in a long time that I’ve worn a skirt and a shirt. I’ve been stuck in the rut of throwing on a dress and cardigan and calling it good- which works just fine- and I realized today how few skirts and shirts I have. I need to quarantine myself from buying dresses until I’ve found more versatile separates I can pair together. My wardrobe is WAY too chaotic! I have no color scheme, no pattern scheme… goodness.

I wasn’t really feeling this outfit- I had changed about five different times- and I feel like it just…  it needs more. Or maybe less. The tights don’t exactly match with the shirt, the accessories… perhaps I shouldn’t have worn the necklace AND the peacock feathers. I don’t know. I’m still figuring this out.

I desperately need to go shopping. Oh, if only I weren’t so broke. Ah well. Such is life. Being broke and having a fashion blog forces me to be a whole lot more creative with  my wardrobe combinations!

I hope y’all are having a safe day, if you live somewhere that got a bunch of snow.