
Saturday’s Fashions

Hello lovelies!

I’m still sick, so instead of an outfit, I’mwearing my owl pajamas. They’re adorable. Like me! (ha!)

Sadly, I will most likely Β not even get dressed today.

So! Let’s not focus on how sick I am. Let’s focus, instead, on one of my favorite style bloggers and how gorgeous she is: Annebeth from The Styling Dutchman. I awarded her with the stylish blogger award a few days ago, and I thought I should feature her this week. Because I love her style.

She’s almost always wearing a dress(hey, does that sound familiar?) and she’s nearly always in color. What more does a girl need, really?

Seriously. She’s adorable. And beautiful.

And I really, really need some yellow tights.

And some red tights.

And, as you can see, she has a cat. And we all know that the bloggers with the cats are the best ones. Right? Right.

So go check her out. You won’t be sorry!

Click through to vote on my week’s outfits.

Outfit polls: it feels like forever since I’ve done a Saturday Fashion post… but I guess it’s only been a week. (That IS forever… if you’re five…)

Here are the week’s outfits:

And… vote!

I’m off to write. And maybe update my writing website with some shiny new features/pictures/book covers.

But first, I Β need to refill my coffee cup.

Have a beautiful Saturday!

P.S. I completely rearranged my room, and because it is so lovely right now, I may give you a video tour. Sound good?



  • annebeth

    aaaaaaaaaah thank you so much for your sweet sweet feature! I feel so flattered! I think you have AMAZING style by the way, I love your little features where the readers can vote for their favorite look of the week, such a cute idea! and I have 4 cats, does that make me the awesomest person that ever lived? πŸ˜€

    • Mara

      Aw, thank you! And you’re welcome. I always look forward to seeing what you’re wearing next!
      Yes, that does make you the most awesomest person ever. πŸ˜€

  • Asia Morela

    Poor you! Hope you’ll be better soon. Your owl pajamas rock!

    And very nice coloured tights, indeed. Reminds me that I have some multicoloured, random/flowery-patterned tights myself; once as I was wearing them in Poland, a lady fell in love with them and wanted to know where I’d bought them. “Paris,” I said, ’cause that was the truth. She gave a regretful sigh, “Ah, Paris…” As though my funky tights represented the height of haute couture, whereas I’d bought them in some chain shop. πŸ˜€

    • Mara

      I hope I’ll be well before tomorrow. Because I’ve got an outfit planned for tomorrow that I don’t want to miss. πŸ˜€ Thank you. Hehe.

      Haha! That’s great.

  • Demy

    Hey!! You’re still sick? Hope you get better tommorrow! These pajamas indeed rock! They are awesome!

    AND Annebeth is so so awesome! I never miss a post, her style is WOW!! And not only that, but she is also hilarious!! She never fails to make me lol! πŸ˜€ I think I could marry her! πŸ™‚ Ok, no, I could not… πŸ˜€ That was an amazing feature that you did!

    I’d be so so so happy to see another vlog from you, so YAY for your room’s tour! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ And I can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for tommorrow πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰

    • Mara

      Yeah, I think it has something to do with the fact that I rearranged my room last night instead of being good and resting. πŸ˜€

      Annebeth IS awesome, and hilarious. And gorgeous. She’s got it all. πŸ˜‰ I think her boyfriend might be jealous if you married her. Just sayin’. πŸ˜€

      Let’s hope I’m not sick tomorrow!

  • Sarah

    Ohmygod best pjs ever. Actually want there is a few things now that I have to fly over and steal. The list just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

    AND I love her style sooo much. I swear every outfit is perfection and she always looks like she is having fun with it πŸ™‚ Gorgeous x