
I walk on railroad tracks, cuz I’m a rebel like that.

I feel a little bit like my blog is getting a nice makeover: I took thatĀ hiatusĀ last week to save up some outfit pictures, all of which Mr. Owl is taking, and they’re all so pretty and professional-looking… except for the part where I still don’t quite know what to do with myself in them.

I am hoping that my new blog-schedule will go something like this:

  • Monday: Normal outfit post.
  • Tuesday:Ā Tutorial! Whether it’s makeup or hair or nails or clothing makeovers.
  • Wednesday:Ā Midweek inspiration, where I show you another blogger’s outfit that inspired my own, or reinterpret another blogger’s outfit into something I wear.
  • Thursday:Ā a day-in-the-life sort of post to share my favorite day of the last week.
  • Friday:Ā Pretty pictures and lovely links– my photography, and the best internet things I’ve found over the week.

And this week, somehow or another I managed to get all but one (Tomorrow’s post) uploaded, written, and scheduled by Saturday morning. Eventually,Ā I would love to be able to have enough outfit pictures and other things saved up that I can just sit down for a few hours on a weekend and schedule all of my posts for the next week… but knowing how last-minute I tend to be, that might not work.

I am hoping that having posts pre-scheduled means I’ll have more time to respond to comments (because you all might have noticed how terrible I am at responding in a timely fashion) and comment on other blogs.

Please ignore the fact that I grabbed the sewn-on sash of the dress and not my actual skirt in this picture. I need to remove the ties on the dress, because I never, ever use them. I always belt it. So really, they’re just there to make life difficult and mess up otherwise nice pictures… like this one.

Ah, well.

This ring has become one of my favorite rings. It goes with everything.

And also, I love these shoes. They’re velvety, they’re pink, they’ve got a flower on them, and they actually have nice soles and aren’t just flat and support-less like so many flat shoes these days.

Now, I have one request from all of you, to help me out: if you ever see any makeup look that you would love to try but don’t have any idea how it’s done, please let me know! I do much better tutorials if I have requests to fulfill; otherwise, I just grab all of my purple eyeshadow and sit there thinking “what can I do with this…?” And then my tutorials are somewhat random and aren’t quite sure where they should be going.

So, I still have to come up with and film a tutorial this week, and I do have one idea but if youĀ see any makeup pictures this week that you love and want me to do, email me (or comment) with a link to the picture. I’d love to work up a little queue of makeup looks to do. Or makeup application tips, or… y’know. Any sort of tutorial you’d want to see.

I hope you all have a beautiful Monday!


  • Comy

    Hooray for the new schedule!

    These pictures look great! Not that your previous ones were bad. šŸ™‚

    You look so pretty in that outfit. I love the dress and the jacket.

    I won’t make any promises, but I’ll keep an eye out for pretty makeup looks.

    • Mara

      Better wait to hooray until I actually KEEP the schedule. šŸ˜‰ Hehe.

      Oh, no. These ones are way better. There are only so many things one can do with a selftimer and a tripod, creatively. Having an actual person who manually focuses the camera on me is SO much nicer. Even if it does feel awkward.
      Thank you!

  • Salazar

    Can’t believe you thrifted that dress for $2! I’m so jealous!

    Also, are those tracks for toy trains? They’re tiny. They make a cute picture though.

    • Mara

      I wish I could find more like it! The thrift store is this crazy small place, and they rarely have anything good. I’m surprised they had this!

      I forgot to mention that in my blog! These tracks are for miniature trains that give rides to kids. Which is why they’re small. šŸ™‚

  • Beth

    Do you have a favourite going-to-a-friend’s-wedding look? I’m attending one on Saturday and I’m not in it, but I still want to be pretty (of course). šŸ™‚ I know that’s not a specific look I can link pictures to, but if you have a special technique for a fresh-faced and glowing look, I’d love a tutorial! It’s an afternoon church wedding, in case that makes a difference.

    Anywhoodles! I love your fashion photos today! That jacket is super cute! šŸ˜€

    • Mara

      Ooh, yes! I do. šŸ˜€ I have a glowing (literally, hehe!) look I can do. It’s actually one of the looks I used to do all the time every day, cuz it’s easy and pretty and not too heavy. I shall film that directly and post it tomorrow!
      I love weddings.

      Why, thank you m’dear! I rather love this jacket.

      • Beth

        Huzzah!!! I’m excited!! Can’t wait to see it! šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€

        I love them too! And I don’t get to go to many. I’m one of those lingering on the outskirts of close friendship types so I’m never top of the guest list. I know a lot of people, but have a very few kindred spirits. And they’re all crazy spinsters like me. ;P

        • Mara

          I hope you like it! I used my favorite eyeshadow, and it’s shiny. And easy to do. And it can get messy and still look just fine.

          That sounds just like me! I tend to have lots of friends who aren’t close, and then maybe one or two friends who I spend all my time with (recently… just one… (I giggled like a schoolgirl just now.)
          And I may not be a spinster (you’re too young to be a spinster, woman!) but I’m still crazy. Even Mr. Owl says so.

  • Demy

    Hi Maaara <3 <3 I'm so happy you look happy, hhehe šŸ˜› These pictures are really amazing and fairy-tale like. Mr. Owl has great capabilities with the camera and a gorgeous model to practice with. I'm in real love with this dress, it's just perfect! And all the colors in the rest of the outfit just complement its beauty even more. Your hair looks amazing like this as well šŸ˜€
    The new blog program is awesome, a little bit of everything. I hope you;ll stick to it, but even if you don't…so what? šŸ˜€ Every post of yours is amazing, so why fix something that's not broken? šŸ˜›
    Hmm…as for the tutorials, I'm not really into make up. I mean, I do love watching tutorials, and especially yours, but I don't think I'll ever ask for anything. But I promise, if I ever see something I like, I'll tell you šŸ˜€